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[mY 1st BsB ExPeRiEnCe]

Okay this is the story about the BEST day of my life!! It was January 17, 1998, my friend Steph and I were so excited to go to the BSB Concert at the Fox Theater in Detroit. When we got to the Fox we were shaking so bad because we were so excited! First we each bought a BSB t-shirt, a BSB book, and I bought a BSB keychain. The opening bands were "She Moves" and "Los Umbrellos." When we got to our seats "She Moves" was on stage singing. We had really big signs that we held up (the ppl behind us couldn'd see, hehe). Next the "Los Umbrellos" came on and sang or a while. When they got off stage, the whole crowd was chanting "BACKSTREET BOYS, BACKSTREET BOYS!" All of a sudden, the curtin went up and there were the BSB!! Everyone screamed REALLY load!! They did this really cool thing at the biginning. It went like this "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 ,1, if your ready and you know it clap your hands, if you ready and you know it dont be afraid to show it, if your ready and you know it clap your hands, CLAP CLAP!! It was so awsome!! Steph and I sat in gallery "B". We could see perfect! We weren't suppose to bring in cameras but we did anyways!!!!!! All my film was done in the second song, hehe! After the concert we had to meet Steph's dad at a restaurant across the street from the Fox. When we got in the restaurant we sat by the window. All of a sudden we see this big tour bus! Steph and I ran threw the restaurant as fast as we could outside. While running threw the restaurant we slipped on the floor and almost knocked the garbage over! Some guy told us to slow down but we weren't about to listen to him!! The bus stopped at the corner and we were all touching the bus en stuff. Then we saw some girls down near the back of the Fox so Steph and I ran down there! There was a gate separating us from the Fox. Some ppl who work at the Fox were standing outside and we were all bugging them to go get the BSB but they kept telling us that they had already left. We of course didn't believe them but some girls just left anyway. We starting singing "Happy Birthday" to Nick cuz his b-day was coming up. Steph's dad said he heard some guys who work at the Fox say "Lets just get this over with now." As we were standing there, Steph and I saw a hand reach out of the door and hand one of the guys that work there about 5 roses. This person who handed the guy the roses had on a Miami Dolfins (dunno if thats how you spell it) coat on. Then all of a sudden the BSB run out of the door! We all screamed but not too load cuz then everyone would come. Steph yelled "Nick I love You!!" and Nick yelled back "Thanx!" They couldn't stop and talk to us cuz they were running to their tour bus. Steph and I were all jumping up and down en stuff. We had to move out of the way cuz they had to open the gate so the bus could leave. As the bus was leaving we were all touching the bus!! Then the guy that Nick gave the roses to came over to us and said Nick told him to give them to us, so he started handing them out. The guy wouldn't give one to Steph so she started to cry just so he would give her one! He gave her a white rose. I had my hand threw the gate reaching for the roses in the guys hand. He gave me this thing that looked like a weed so I threw it back at him and yelled "I dont want this, I want a rose!!!!!!" He said to me "Will you leave (cuz we were buggin him) if I give you one?" And of course I said "YES!!" So he gave me a red one. (I dried out the rose and I will keep it 4EVA! I swear, that rose will be in my casket when I die!). During one of the songs "I'll Never Brake Your Heart" at the concert there were 3 girls that danced with them. We saw the girls leaving and we were talking to them. We were shaking their hands just cuz they touched the BSB!! After they left, we saw a van pull up on the side of the road. We were standing by the van and the lady had her window down a bit. She was on a cell phone and we could hear her say "Nick? We'll be there in 5 minutes." We then relized that it was A.J's mom!! She also had a road map with her. There was a girl in the drivers seat and it was Howie's sister. Steph and I kept asking her to call Nick back so we could talk to him. Some girl wrote on her van window"We love BSB!" Then they drove off to meet the BSB at the motel they were staying at. Steph and I were just standing around and we saw this big red and gray tour bus sitting on the side of the road. We walked to the front of the bus and starting jumping off the curb to see if anyone was in the bus. There was a curtin blocking the drivers seat from the back of the bus. Then a girl came out from the back of the bus, it was one of the girls from "Los Umbrellos!" (one of the opening bands). Steph and I were waving to her and she waved back. We got a pic of them and they signed it for us! We just wanted their autographs cuz they know the BSB. But they are a pretty good band. You can hear them on the radio station "93.1 DRQ" its a dance mix station. By then it was 11pm and the concert had ended at 9:30pm. Steph's dad said we had to leave now. We didn't want to leave but there was nothing else to do because everyone had left. As we walked back to the car, we sang songs from the BSB! That was the most BEST day of my life!!!!!! It took us forever to tell our friends the whole story at school that monday. And when they come back in the Spring we are going again!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!! Well I hope you enjoyed that loooong story but it was a loooong nite!!!! But it was sure worth it!!! =)