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Brian & Nick!!!

Nicknamed Frick and Frack, Backstreet Boys Brian and Nick, have definitely found a way to harmonize, but not just with their smooth voices.

Dispite a 5 year age difference (Brian 23 and Nick 18) the singers are the best of friends. "We're always hanging out together. It's hard to say exactly why we get on so well...our personalities just seem to have clicked," says Nick.

Well, judging from all the mania that the Backstreet Boys have created in the US, it's plain to see why Brian and Nick are so in tune. Nick accredits Brian to having been the biggest influence in his life, and Brian couldn't be more pleased. "Nick is like the kid brothr I never had," says Brian. "I'm proud of him, he's my little frack!"

At age 23, Brian is learning how to cope with super stardom, and according to his best buddy, he's taking it in strides. "He's totally stayed the same. I think we're all coping well, to be honest," says Nick. There is one small thing that throws Brian just slightly off balance and that's jewelry. Completely assionate about his new chain (a hudge hunk of gold which spells out B-Rok custom made in Australia) Brian won't let it out of his sight.

When it comes to love, the two also share similar qualities. Brian is caring, undestanding, and with an outstanding talent for writing heartfelt love songs, he has no problem with displaying emotion. Nick thinks of himself as an ordinary, down to earth kinda guy. Who is he kidding?! He's only part of the hottest band in the world. But still, the boys have remained grounded and enjoy the simple things in life. Brian's idea of a good night is having dinner with a special lady and cuddling up with a good movie. Nick's ideal night would include hordes of food, computer games and hanging out with his brother or sister. Wheather it's stroking a melody, hanging out watching movies or goofing on each other, Nick and Brian are always in perfect sync.

Who's had the biggest influence on his life?

N: You have, Frick.

B: Thanks, Frack. Actually, that's probably not too far off the truth. I've maybe not had the BIGGEST influence on him, but perhaps a major influence over the last three hand a half years, when he's done most of his growing up. So it's probably been me and his parents.

Is he a good role model for the younger fans?

B: Occasionally! No, to be honest, I think he'd done really well. Being in this position as young as he is, he'd handled everything that's come his way like a grown man.

Would Brian make a good boyfriend?

N: Ooh, that's a tricky one. I guess so, particulary if the girl was like me, ha ha! She'd have to be full of energy and enjoy doing active things like playing Nintendo. But he's a caring kinda guy - I reckon if he found the right girl, he'd do anything for her.

What sort of girls does he like?

N: He likes Pamela Anderson and Sandra Bullock.

B: While Nick likes the real dark haired girls - the total opposite from him.

Which song is Brian most proud of?

N: He loves "I'll never break your Heart," but hmmm...what else?

B: I don't know if I should say my ones, but I'm really proud of "Quit Playing Games."

N: Yeah, of course. You do pretty well on that one - then again. I do, too! Don't I?

What's most important to him - love, fame or money?

N: That's a tricky one. They've all got their place I suppose. (Brians desperately clutching at his heart and looking smoochy.)

B: Come on, Frack! It's an easy one!

N: Oh yeah, that's right, it'll be love. (Quietly) Did I do ok, Frick?