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[gossip, small talk & the inside scoop!]

What do the BSB watch on TV? Wouldn't you like to know? Well here's the dish..

Kevin: I like Rosanne.

Nick: I like Mad About You.

Howie: I like Seinfield.

Brian: I like Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

AJ: Married...With Children....

Howie: Yeah! Married...With Children's good, too.

Kevin: I'm really over the Simpsons.

Nick: Nah, I love the Simpsons.

Kevin: I'm over 'em.

Nick: I love the Simpsons! Thats Nick. Nick loves 'em. Kevin doesn't like 'em.

And Who's your favorite Spice Girl?

Nick: I'd say the redheaded one. She looks like my type. Brian't too. Brian: Either her or Mel B, she's really cool. Nick: He likes her because she wears peants like these. (Nick is so cool. He wears the same army camouflage trousers as Mel!)

The Snoring

Nick: Howie snores sometimes. It's cause he sleeps with his mouth open. I stuck in a bit of Kit Kat in his mouth once, and he tried to take a bite out of it - in his sleep. Brian: He talks in his sleep too. You can sometimes have a conversation with him. He'll go "Hawaflawabah" and you go "Whaddya say Howie?" and he'll go "Ah nothing," still fast asleep like a baby.

Hey Boys, What about the Girls?

Nick: "I like the kinda girl who'll let me hold her real tight and then kiss her...and kiss her, and kiss her and kiss her....ehehehehe." A.J: "I like the kinda girl who'll let me do everything for her..."

The Nintendo

Nick: We always play Mario Kart or Tennis. Brian always beats me at Tennis but I hold the title in Mario Kart. Yessss!!! Brian's a bad loser. He holds a grudge when I dig it in.