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"I Want It That Way w/ Nick Carter"

Aired: Friday, 4/2/99 Live


With our "Countdown to the Millennium" now at the halfway point, the Backstreet Boys are ready to cut loose their brand new single "I Want It That Way" in New York City tomorrow. WHTZ confirmed for Eyewitness News that they would air the song live for the first time tomorrow at 10:30 AM. I had a chance to listen to the latest track earlier today, and all I can say is wow. This is my favorite song from the Boys so far, and as most every viewer knows, I'm a huge Backstreet Boys fan!

So tonight to mark the beginning of the halfway point in our series, we decided to bring you a special feature. We have LIVE on the phone from his home in Los Angeles, Nick Carter, the lead singer of the Backstreet Boys.

Roz: Welcome Nick, and thank you for joining us tonight.

Nick: You're welcome Roz, I'd do an interview with you anytime. You're such a big supporter of mine.

Roz: You know it. So I had a chance to listen to your new single this morning, and it blew me away Nick. It was definitely my favorite song you and the guys have recorded so far. You carry the leads so well. If this is any sign of what's to come, Millennium is going to be huge.

Nick: About the album though, that would be nice if it's big. I think we've done a lot of growing over the past year especially, and our new album will definitely have a different sound to it than our first one did. The fans have to remember that we recorded "Backstreet Boys" back in 1996 and 1997, so that's two or three years ago depending on the song. I know I definitely sound different now than I did then.

Roz: I know. I heard. I think you sound better than ever. Can you tell us a little about "I Want It That Way"? For example, is there an underlying theme to the song? Who can everyone listen for to hear singing? Give all the viewers a little background before they hear the song once it hits the radio tomorrow morning.

Nick: Well our good friend Max Martin wrote the single. It's one of the songs that we recorded while we were in Sweden. Max is the guy who wrote, "As Long As You Love Me", "Everybody", and "Quit Playing Games" for us. Hopefully this song will do as well as all of those did. The song has a bit of a theme. It's basically like a message to all our fans. Kind of like a thank you in a way, but also it explains a little of how are feelings are towards them, and what theirs are towards us. We love our fans a lot, and without them we wouldn't be where we are today. Even though me and Brian sang the leads in the song, all the guys have their own solo part, so everyone will be able to hear all of us sing sometime during it.

Roz: So the song is one directed towards the fans specifically?

Nick: In a way, yes. I guess it really depends on how you listen to it though, and what you absorb.

Roz: Well Nick, you and the boys will always be number one in my mind.

Nick: Thanks Roz. And have a Happy Easter.

Roz: You too hun, and say hi to your mom for me. Thanks again Nick.

So Bill, the Backstreet Boys are definitely back, and they're better than ever, and I know all the fans out there will agree once they hear the new single tomorrow. If there is a song that deserves an award this year, this is the one. Once "I Want It That Way" goes on sale, it's gonna top the charts. One final note: Millennium is scheduled for release May 18, but with presales taking place at record pace, Virgin Megastore recommends reserving a copy before the release date incase of a first-print sell out.


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