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[the ultimate backstreet boys Q&A]

Q: How does it feel to suddenly get all this attention at home when it took so long to make it?

Nick: it feels ssoooooo wonderful. It is truly what we have been dreaming about. Not that we don't appreciate everything the overseas fans have done for us, but we can always want to make it where your're from, right?

A.J: I had no idea so many reporters would be here today. Thanks for turning out.

Q: Is it true you guys will be recording with Gary Barlow?

Nick: We'd really like to - he's a great guy and he is just getting around to releasing his debut album here in the States. We wish him all the luck in the world. But no, there are no definite plans - but we like his sound. He is very cool; we would blend well together. Plus, he is the only guy who is a professional ladies' man like our Latin lover, Howie.

Q: What was your best experience in Australia?

Kevin: Oh, what a fun place. The people were really nice, the food was really good - and no, we did not try Vegamite, and we got pretty close to some koalas, although people warned us that they are deadly and dangerous. They certainly look cute though!

A.J: I think Nick started to pick up a funny accent when we were there - he started to sould like Crocodile Dundee.

Q: Is it true people threw Teddy Bears at you onstage in Manchester, England and a couple of you tripped?

Nick: Yeah, but it wasn't that big of deal the papers made it out to be. We were not really injured, but we learned to look at our feet more onstage.

Q: Is there any vacation time coming up?

Brian: Not really. We are going home for three days after this, but we will be playing in the area.

Q: When will you do a full fledged tour there and not just spot dates?

Nick: We want to do a tour ASAP, but we have a couple of months' worth of overseas dates left. Hopefully, we'll be doing a fall tour and how long we stay touring has a lot to do with how the album does here. We are confident the new singel here, "Everybody (Backstreets Back)" is a good follow-up to "Quit Playing Games."

Q: Have you been having fun?

Howie" Yes, a very tired kind of fun. Sometimes, we don't know what time it is or what country we're in. Somtimes, we can identify the country only by the food, because we figure it's tacky to buzz down to the front desk of the hotel and ask where we are, but we're not complaining.

Q: How many hit records have you had in each country you've visited?

Brian: That's a tough one. From the information i've been givin by the record company, in every country we've visited, we've had four to 11 hit records there already - except of course for the States, where we only have two hits, if you include "Everybody" which is climbing the charts right now.

Q: Do any of you have steady girlfriends?

Nick: Next question. No, we are never around. We would be the worst boyfriends in the world, although we are basically nice guys.

AJ: We would like to have girlfriends, but our schedules don't allow it. Anyone who wanted to go out with us woudl have to be willing to travel, and be willing to always have the rest of the group and their families around. It would hardly be an intimate setting and they would have to eat lousy deli food backstage.

Q: What message do you have for American fans?

Kevin: Just sit back and enjoy. We hope we do some music that catches your ear.

Howie: We will be doing our best all the time. We hope to be an act that has something for everyone.