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Skyline Trail

Basically this is where I hunt. But from a sightseer's point of view, this is how it is.

This thrilling walk up Haleakala's southwest rift zone to Science City, the research complex atop Haleakala, offers sweeping views along Haleakala's slopes and down over the isthmus(neck of Maui) to West Maui if the weather is permitting. The contrast between the overgrown Polipoli region at the start and the lava moonscape at the top is startling. Nearing the top, the road wanders among cinder cones and vents-at least one big vent opens almost at your feet. Most of the Skyline Trail is now closed to motorized traffic, so it makes an outstanding hiking and mountain-bicycling trail. This would be the way to bike down Haleakala-no dodging the stream of passenger vehicles. Of course, you can hike or bike the Skyline Trail down from Science City and then back up.Those of you who might be thinking of hiking or riding your bike up there, please wear bright clothes that is not a color of nature!!!!! Colors like green, brown, black, and yes even white. Once we saw a group of white objects rapidly descending the Mamane Trail trailing a lot of dust and thought it was goats running away from us. We quickly scoped it only to realize it were bikers. If you didn't know, there are white goats up there. Some careless hunters might shoot without thinking and loss of life is possible.

Below are some pictures I took of the Skyline Trail while hunting.

This is the main ridge we encounter. Goats usually bed at this ridge.

A view of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa of the Big Island