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Prophecy of the Crystal Rose

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As the legendary rose inspires the sky to emblazon in fire, so shall the sky rain upon the rose of light forever encasing it in the purest of crystals...
have searched for this priceless treasure
,but in vain
for it can only be found within oneself

A Rose Like No Other
Masking one's identity in attempt to disguise the way others perceive you make perceptions of another human's soul one of the most difficult things to do. Once you remove the mask, you can see your true self and your relation to humanity:
The climactic epiphany created such a sense of relief and pride in my accomplishments as to rival man's first discovery of fire or technology. The seemingly limitless insurmountable boundary had collapsed beneath my feet like thousands of shards of tiny glass breaking due to a high pitched scream.
One can cross the threshold from ignorance to knowledge as quick as the speed of light can travel. The speed of light resembling the light of an idea. Shyness was my insurmountable cliff. A jagged peak with sharp crags jutting out on all sides. Sharp talons reaching for me when I tried to overstep them. The realization that no one cared whether I made a mistake or no one judged me to the point of extremes, as a sharp sword pricking the edge of my neck, made me acknowledge my foul mistake in deceiving not only myself, but others.
People change so rapidly that at times one can hardly distinguish their own identity between their reflection in a mirror. One becomes unrecognizable to one's true self if they hide or mask their real reality.
I have been through this change and learned that life is so
much better when seen through the eyes of someone proud of
themselves. Someone who is not afraid to grasp hold of the ideas spread out before them and progress astride a faithful steed galloping full throttle into the light.