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The Violence

I speak in black font, the "Bad Guy" is red. I know that may be hard to remember, but try you lazy @$*#&!
You will feel the blade of my wrath Pig!
Never you homosapeous orangatangus!
May a balding nurse with a severe overbite scrub your genitals with a wire brush while she yodels and makes you lick her rear end! I curse you! You are doomed for all eternity!!
Oh really FOOL. Die Pig!!
Now you die!!!
So you think my evil arch nemesis. Quick look behind you, I have a spy who is trained in the arts of ninjawahooey, tae kwon do, and fliphopsakee. He is also trained in the ancient arts of blinding with the camera. BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.
Wha....NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, I've been blinded!Oh what cruel trick hast thou played upon me sir?
Victory is mine!
Just another indisputable fact that the Bad Guy always wins....err...yeah, that's how it goes right.
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