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Letters I found

These were written in pencil so I just wanted to save em somewhere while I was in the mood and I don't care if others read em. In fact, as I write them, I'll be reading them again for the first time in a few years.
This is from my first puppy love, Aubrey, the first girl I ever kissed when I was 16. I miss her to tell ya the truth.

Sorry for being so insulting last night, to you and your friend, I hope I did not offend anyone. I just get that way sometimes.

I'm in english class + don't know how long I'll have to write. But I've got math next so that should give me some time.

I would like to know why you left so suddenly last night, when you were on the phone, it wasn't very nice, it also left me wondering why.

Anyhow, my friend says I should put a tune to one of the poems you wrote so that I am able to sing it. Maybe I'll try that.

I am so glad it's friday, finally vacation, and most likely I get to see you tomorrow if you still want to see me.

I finally got around to asking Paul what you said wednesday night, he made me laugh so bad, but I guess I was what you said, so your the funny one. (There is some blank space where she made a smiley face and pointed my name at it and said) I madea smiley there cause the spot was blank, ok. (Beside that is a spider that says) it is a "pidey" because it only has 6 legs. I just thought you needed to know that. ok. Can you tell I'm board?

You know, you really confuse me when you say that you'de like to have a relationship where you can talk to the other person about anything, then half the time you dohn't want to tell me what's going on when I ask. (She would always always ask what I was thinking and half the time I wasn't even thinking- I'm a guy) Oh well, such is life, right.

I was just eating m+ms so there. Ok, I just had to say that for some reason.

I wore a short skirt to school today, don't ask me why, and I am so self-conscious. Well the bells gonna ring so I might write more, but maybe not. Ok so now I'm in Math class and were not doing anything so I'm gonna keep writing, if I can think of more to say.

Oh yeah, someone told me that the boys track from athol is coming here next week, is that true?

If I do end up going to the prom w/ you, what would you wear? I can't wait to go find a dress.

I am the most bored person right now. I want to sing I want to exercise, I want to do something besides sit here, I could eat more candy, that would be good.

Ew gross, black jellybean. This is beyond boredom, and I still am supposed to have 45 minutes here but he'll probably let us go in a half hour.

Well I'm gonna be done writing cause I can't think of something else to say. ok? ok.

Adios Aubrey

P.S. I figured I would try to find something to say, let me see here. Ok, it took me 6 minutes but I decided to say that I watched the tape of wednesdays concert today and I was really quiet, but it wasnt' my fault, I don't know how the poeple who said they heard me did. But I will try to sing for you next time I see you, but you have to bring the tape of your singing ok? ok.

I'm thining of looking into singing onto CD someday, but first I have to get alof of info, and some more voice lessons.


What's up? I figured I would write to you since I haven't been able to be on the phone long since Brett's been around so much. It's wednesday, but I don't know when you'll get this note, depending on when you see Paul.

I'm going to youth group tonight which means I'm going to Keri's house after school so I might not talk to you today, not sure.

There's a dance saturday night that Paul is bugging me to invite you to. I'm not sure if I'm going, but if I am I'd like you to come. I'll keep you informed.

If I see you this weekend besides at the dance, fi that, it can't be saturday cause I have to work at another house we own. I promised my dad I would. Maybe sunday though.

Well, I've got other people to write to so I'm gonna leave now.

Adios Guapo Aubrey.

P.S. Sorry about the messy writing. own personal thoughts on that since i just read it....I don't know which came first, but she definitely was losing interest by that second one. Who knows, lol. I'm too tired and its not important, just kewl to still have. :)