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Just stuff I don't want to lose

Salutatorian Speech: Chris Joyner, Salutatorian-1999 We are here, at Graduation. Many of you are probably thinking, "Finally, we can get out of here." But always remember that time passes so quickly and we only have a small precious amount of it. Never take life for granted for it can only become better when you allow it to. We have worked so hard in order to make it to this point. Most of us have waited 12 years. Some even more. But we are here now and we are prepared to take our futures by the reins.

We made it here due to the support and love of our families, friends, teachers, and classmates and I would like to take this time to allow everyone of us to recognize all of their wonderful contributions that made it possible for us to grow and succeed.


Take a moment to look around you, at classmates and friends. In less than an hour, we who are sitting here will graduate from childhood. And you will be graduating with the best class in the history of mankind. Mankind...that word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed with petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. We are the future. Perhaps, it's fate, today is our Graduation Day, and you will once again be making decisions four our future. Not from responsibility, duty or what's expected. But from the individual desire for success. We're fighting for our right to exist as individuals. When we leave today, Graduation Day will no longer be known as an American Holiday. But as the day when our class declared in one voice: "We will not leave quietly from our past....we will not forget all our classmates, friends, and teachters! We're going to be leaders! We're going to be successful! Today, we celebrate our Graduation Day!" (Alternate of Independence Day Speech)

We have climbed the seemingly insurmountable cliff that was before us. We have helped each other above the jagged hands of rock that reached out for us to pull us down. We have reached the summit together. Now, our futures are ours alone to decide what to do with. The stars above now shine on us with enough ferocity to shatter every barrier that has ever stood in our way into millions of shards on unrecognizable matter. All that remains is the veil of reality. We must gather enough courage to step through this veil and delve into the most intense world we can ever enter. The realm of eternal dreams.

We must cross a simple thin line drawn into the dust, the dust from which we were created to enter this realm of eternal possibilities, however, the path we will follow will not be an easy one. We must wield the sword of truth while stepping through this veil to protect ourselves from its demonic guardians. We must deliver swift justice to these demons of fear, anger, hatred, pain, failure, and despair, for once we escape them in the veil, they will forever seek us hiding in the shadows of the sun's light as it caresses our bodies with its divine power and fills every vein of our being with new insights and aspirations. We will need more strength, perseverance, and wisdonw than any we have ever known to evade these vile beasts for they cannont be visibly seen but they wield enough power todestroy the soul of any man or woman who submits to their will. We must utilize the power andlgory of our futures to hold these creatures at bay. We must always persevere and seek the truth to our destiny. Once we grasp ahold of the fleeting tomorrow, we will grasp ahold of the knowledge to vanquish these evil forces.

We will emerge from the void behind us to look out upon the vast expanse of infinite dreams before us. We will emerge from our golden cocoons upon a stampeding Pegasus that will charge full throttle into the light, full force into our futures and it will spread its glorious golden wings as it soars into the Heavens where we will claim our heritage, our success, and our happiness. The future is no longer our predator, but our prey. There is no turning back now, we have assumed the responisiblities of a new and better life in which we are better prepared.

And as the Black phoenix rises from the ashes of the ancients to inherit the sun, So shall we rise from the ashes of our predecessors to inherit the Earth.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of one of the best classes that I could ever graduate with. We will lead each other into the next century and beyond.

I will remember and love you always. The class of 1999.

Thank you