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Biochemistry -- Delta G

Delta G Group Members

Visit our favorite pages!

Kim's other home...The FSU Ballroom Dance Club

How Stuff Works, a great page with terms all of us can understand!

Links to Our Projects

FSU C&I Website
Delta G Project 1 -- Amphipathic Molecules
Delta G Project 2 -- The Structure of DNA and Proteins
Delta G Project 3 -- The Secondary Structure of Proteins
Delta G Project 4 -- AIDS and the Immune System
Delta G Project 5 -- Carbohydrates and Life
Delta G Project 6 -- Coenzymes as Vitamins
Delta G Project 7 -- Metabolism and Photosynthesis: The Energy Cycles of Life
Delta G Project 8 -- NADH
Delta G Project 9 -- Respiratory Inhibitors
Delta G Project 10 -- Light Reactions In Photosynthesis
