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NADH Research

NADH – Research and Your Health

Recent Research

In 1993, Dr. Jorg Birkmayer published a study that focused on the treatment of Alzheimer’s patients with NADH.  Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease that is caused by death of neurons, with a result of progressive dementia.  Dr. Birkmayer hypothesized that:

    “Administration of NADH…would alleviate the symptoms and halt the progression of the disease by playing a proactive approach
    in raising the body’s levels of certain neurotransmitters…the deficit in these key neurotransmitters has been identified as a key
    cause that produces many of the symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s…it was my belief that NADH would reduce the premature
    death of brain cells."

Dr. Birkmayer conducted an Austrian study on 17 Alzheimer’s patients, administering 10 mg of NADH daily.  His report suggests that a 240% increase in NADH activity was observed, and that the patients all showed signs of improving cognitive function.  His theory behind the success is that providing NADH results in the stimulation of dopamine and nonadrenaline biosynthesis.  His research report also suggests that NADH could be used as an energy supplement for athletes or for individuals who cannot provide enough energy on their own.

Current Research

Research on NADH continues, looking for ways to use the coenzyme to enhance health.  In web research, one can find information on NADH as a cure for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, depression, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and also as a athletic endurance promoter.  One particularly infromative site was, which has a library of NADH medical treatments, as well as information on the testing of NADH to increase athletic endurance.  It also markets Enada, a pill form of NADH, available in two dosages.  Another site that describes the current research being done on NADH and the above areas is also a site where NADH can be purchased --  Despite grammatical problems, this site is an excellent resource in the discussion of current NADH research.

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