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Putting It All Together

In this page we will attempt to put together all of the learning we've done this semester. With each new project, we will update the page, and relate the topic to other previous ones. Enjoy!

Amphipathic Molecules

In this page we discussed the chemical properties of amphipathic molecules. This discussion included text on the interactions of amphipathic molecules with water, and the role these molecules play in larger biopolymers.

Secondary Structures of DNA

In this page, our group summarized the alpha and beta helices of DNA. As with proteins, the chemical properties of the individual subunits determine the primary, and then secondary structure.

Overview -- Protein Secondary Structure

This project specifically dealt with the secondary structure of proteins. Our team discussed the chemical properties that cause the specific conformation of proteins, such as interactions between R groups of amino acids. Some of the same properties that determine amphipathic properties, like van der Waals forces, determine protein secondary structure.

AIDS and the Immune System

The primary reason why the human immunodeficency virus is able to bind to a CD4 receptor site, which is found on many of the molecules which occur in the immune system, has to do with the tertiary and quatenary sturcture of the oligosaccharides and the virus itself. It is due to the the various folds and sheets which allow the interaction between the virus and recptor to occur. If this did not take place the virus would not be able to enter the cell and give rise to AIDS.

Structure, Production and Function of Carbohydrates

Vitamins as Coenzymes

In this project, we discussed vitamins as coenzymes. Most enzymes are protein molecules, which relates back to our previous topics regarding protein structure and function.


This project relates back to our previous Project 5 concerning oxidative metabolism and photosynthesis as the major energy cycle of life.


In this project, we looked at NADH, a molecule fundamental to many biochemical reactions. NADH is especially important to metabolism reactions, as discussed in project seven.

Respiratory Inhibitors

In previous projects, we have discussed electron transport, which is discussed extensively here.

Light Reactions

Links To All Of Delta G's Projects

Our Main Page
Project One -- Amphipathic Molecules
Project Two -- Secondary Structures
Project Three -- Secondary Structure of Proteins
Project Four -- AIDS and the Immune System
Project Five -- Carbohydrates and their Production
Project Six -- Coenzymes as Vitamins
Project Seven -- Metabolism
Project Eight -- NADH
Project Nine -- Respiratory Inhibitors
