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What current research is ongoing regarding carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are an essential part of our diet. However, there is always the worry of too much of a good thing. New diet drugs are constantly under research and testing that are intended to decrease our desire for the sweet stuff.

What kind of medical research is ongoing regarding carbohydrates?
Recent research has disproven that hyperactivity in children in linked to monosaccharide consumption. Hyperactivity in children

How are proteins and carbohydrates related (i.e. structure, function, etc.)?
Polysaccharides are analogous to proteins in that they also have distinguishable types of structures (primary, secondary structures.) If a polysaccharide is composed of only one kind of monomer residue (B-D-glucose for cellulose); it is referred to as a homopolysaccharide. If they are composed of two or more they are referred to as heteropolysaccharides. However even the most complex of polysaccharide structures are relatively simple when comparing them to that of proteins. For the most part no more than two different types of residues are usually involved. Polysaccharides are different than proteins in that they have random lengths. The function of polysaccharides is directly related to their structure. Depending on the specific role of a polysaccharide, it may or may not require a complicated three dimensional shape which is most often involved when observing the structure of proteins. For example, polysaccharides such as starch are simply long chains because their function only requires that they store energy. On the other hand, molecules such as the oligosaccharides which may be found on the surface of certain glycoproteins, serve the role of identifying cells or molecules with complex three dimensional shapes because they must interact with other molecules and convey information.

Is there any scientific research ongoing regarding carbohydrate metabolism?
Currently, there is research regarding disorders and inborn errors within metabolism , including defective proteins and disease, mucopolysaccharides and related diseases, oligosaccharidoses, and glycogen storage diseases. Please refer to Information on Inborn Errors In Metabolism.
