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Concert Review

Hey all ! this concert happened over a year ago ! but here it goes.... October 23rd we leave my house on our way to the airport to fly on the red eye from alaska to seattle as we sat in the airport waiting for our boarding call to find out were gonna be delayed in the airport till they can get the computers back up cause they crashed! Oh joy only a simple fracture of our trip! my best friend,my lil sister,and i left my mom to go get sodas before we left....they finally let us board after we finished our sodas which was about 1-130 am !we get on the plane and i find out my best friend,tara is afraid of flying so i hold on to her hand until we got in the air....when we got in the air i let go of her hand and we got our homework out of our backpacks and did a weeks worth of homework in 2 hours ! whew ! her and started writing a fanfiction on our fave band the backstreet boys ! we wrote about 20 pages then fell asleep to find out when we awoke we had circled around seattle for an hour and flew to spokane and they almost left my mom there! and tara ,my sister julie and i wouldnt have even known but luckily they waited for my mom to then as tara,julie and i awoke we were about to land in seattle we went from fog (which was the cause of us not landin on schedule)to ground which scared the crap outta was 6 when we landed...this was the beginning of our trip of our dreams to find out it was gonna be hell ! so we get our bags and go down to the car rental place which we placed a reservation the day before to find out the guy made it for the day before so my mom called my dad in alaska to have him straighten thingsout we finally got a car about 7 !My mom ,tara,julie,and me are all fairly tall so we couldnt have a compact we get that settled then we have to drive to lincoln,oregon to cause we promised my aunt we'd spend time with her thats about a 7-10 hour drive sucked tara kept waking up and saying "it feels like a week went by" lol so funny then she dreamed that the bsb were ice cones! were weird! so julie tara and i got very little sleep we took many cat naps ! my poor mom stayed awake the whole trip! after turning off and getting lost so many times my mom was about to give up on going to lincoln ! till we found our turn off and continued on going till we got to our fell asleep rigt away by now its around 8pm and were all exhausted....fell asleep ~The next morning~we went swimming and then left the hotel went to a casino and ate lunch then tara my sister and i went to the kid casino which sucked since it was made for kids 7-14 and we were 15 it bit ! so we spent a few hours there then went back to find my aunt and her boyfriend and my mom ready to go ! so we left then we spilt up from them went and saw taras granma then we went got dressed cause we were meeting my cousin because he was taking us out to dinner at the outback ....then we went to portland checked into our hotel then went over to my aunts and visited with my cousin chris and shannon ..then about an hour later we went back to our hotel which was about a 1/2 a block away from the rose garden which bsb was gonna play there that next night like 2 rooms away from us we heard abunch of guys me and my friend totally freaked we thought they we the bsb !cause they were security guards all over that floor! it wasnt them ! ~the next morning~ one day till our concert were all excited ! we drive back to tacoma spend the day goofing off ! we get to tacoma about 10 check in to our hotel went to the store ! my friend and i look for the travel size toothpaste we went back to my mom to tell her there was none then this lady comes up to us and says to my mom that "excuse me miss but one of my customers says he saw one of your girls take something do you mind if we check your pckets ?" my mom goes off !and tells this lady excuse me but were here from alaska...these girls are a+ students why the hell do you think they would take anything ....we take everything outta our pockets and the lady was like ok we put all of our stuff down in the middle of the isle and strom outta there ! then my mom got in our car and we drove off and my mom flipped the store and was cussing up the storm! LOL then we go back to our hotel eat then we started going around to the hotels and asking if bsb was staying there !the one hotel we forgot to look at they ended up staying there! about midnight cops were all over the road making sure they could get in to tacoma safely although we gave up before we saw the bus! then we went around the arena and saw them setting up .. so we went back to the hotel fell asleep ! ~the next morning~ me and tara woke up and were jumping all around excited that today was our day to see the guys we adored.....we ate breakfast and swam and took showers and that previous night we made a sign that said "alaska loves bsb" and "we came from alaska to see bsb "we left our hotel about 530pm and we had just missed howie dorough...but then we started wavingour sign around and everyone came up to us and asked us if we were really from alaska ! then the radio station also wanted to interview us 1this one station just finished interviewing mandy moore and she came past me and bumped into my shoulder and didnt say sorry! I didnt like her after that... but after a year shes OK then the concert was about to start we gotin line to go in ...there was alot of people and my mom had 4 tickets for 2 different sections ! me and tara were by where they came out we saw tommy the keyboardist and the girls behind us were awesome they helped us yeall and everything... overall it was awesome then in the kinda middle of the concert we snuck down to the floor seats and during "ill never break your heat we waved our sign and brian and howie kinda looked at our sign and waved howie eyes widen and then he winked and waved...later the security guard caught us then we went to some different seats and the guy looked at our sign the guy next to us and was like you are really from ak ? i was like yup he was like cool ! so then byt he end f the concert we went back up to our original seats and we got are fave guys to wave to us nick and aj by waving our sign and almost losing it ! we were really happy girls ! and we got everyone except kevin to wave to us ! we left the arena to our car and left to our htoel and fell asleep and left the very next night ! ~Joanna thats my concert trip ! and review ! it was awesome... and look for my fan fic soon !