CTY: Argh!Welcome, small children! This the archive of some of the doings of that legendary CTY Hamilton '95.1 gang led by none other than Joshua D. Pollak! I, the unofficial secretary, got some of it on film, and other people helped out too.The members of Arrrrrrgh! were as follows: Josh Pollak, Dave Kapell, Kathy Chang, Alice S. Tsay, and Joan Baldridge (me!). There were others, but we formed the core group. We took our name from one of the names of the activities, and enjoyed putting as many R's as the computer could handle. There was a definitive story of Argh & SpInk, but it may have been lost when Josh's laptop crashed, although Alice may still have an earlier copy on disk.
Joshua, the King
This was taken by me on Friday, Week 1, First Session '95. Josh was one of the kings in our performance of Shakespeare's "A Winter's Tale." He had not taken his medication that day. |
Fun In The Sun (The Gang's All Here)
Fun In The Sun Session 1 '95. Standing (from left to right) Amol, hunched over; Joan (me) with the squirtgun; Josh in the purple shirt; the blond guy (possibly Spam Himself); Alice S. Tsay doing the Statue of Liberty thing in the green towel; Rebecca Costello; and some dude who was flashing the camera. (If you know who he is, e-mail me!) I have no idea who's collapsed laughing on the ground. This picture was possibly taken by Dave Kapell or Kathy Chang. It's not Dave on the ground, though, as he was wearing a green shirt that day. |
Great Amusement in the Cold Wind
(Left)Here we have Josh, trying to stay warm. The only result was a re-confirmation of the fact that men cannot find their way anywhere, even with directions.
(Right)This was also taken at Fun In The Sun, better known as Great Amusement in the Cold Wind. Here we see Josh chowing down on yet another cotton candy (he ate at least seven), Dave grinning, and Alice trying to get in the picture. I took this. |