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00-00-57  sibling  Adoptee  girl  Sudbury,ON 
1-6-57  Adoptee  bithfamily  girl  Borger,Tx 
01-07-57  Adoptee  birthmom  girl  LosAngeles,CA 
1-13-57  Adoptee  Birthparents  boy  Clifton Springs,NY 
1-14-57 Sibling Sibling girl Marianna,FL or Chicago, IL
1-19-57  Sibling  adoptee  boy  Northern,VA 
1-22-57  Adoptee  birthfamily  girl  PA or NJ 
01-30-57  Sibling  birthparents  boy  Kimberly,BC 
2-1-57  Adoptee  Birthparents  boy  NewOrleans,LA 
2-3-57  Adoptee  birthfamily  girl  LosAngeles? 
02-18-57  sibling  Adoptee  boy  Charlotte,NC 
2-19-57  Adoptee  Birthparents  boy  Santa Ana,CA 
02-22-57  Adoptee  birthmom  boy  SantaAna,CA 
2-25-57  Adoptee  birthfamily  girl  Pittsburg,PA 
3-5-57 Adoptee Birthfamily boy Fairfield,Ca
3-19-57 Sibling Adoptee boy Pittsburgh
3-25-57  Adoptee  birthfamily  girl  SanDiego,CA 
3-26-57  Adoptee  birthfamily  girl  St.Petersburg,FL 
3-26-57  Adoptee  birthfamily  boy  JerseyCity,NJ 
3-31-57  Adoptee  Birthdad,Siblings  girl  Highland Park,MI 
4-26-57 Adoptee Birthfamily girl Syracuse, NY
5-17-57  Adoptee  birthfamily  girl  SanFrancisco,Ca 
6-8-57  Adoptee  birthfamily  girl  SanFrancisco,Ca 
6-30-57 Adoptee Sibling boy Texas
7-21-57  Adoptee  birthparents  girl  Washington,DC 
7-23-57  Adoptee  Birthand 1st adopted familys  girl  LongBeach,CA 
7-26-57  Adopee  birthparents  girl  SanFrancisco,CA 
7-26-57  Adoptee  sibling  girl  Sanfrancisco,CA 
7-30-57  Adoptee  birthpartents  boy  Quebec 
9-5/6-57 Adoptee Birthfamily girl Baumholder, Germ
9-8-57  Adoptee  birthfamily  boy  LittleRock,AR 
9-15-57  Adoptee  birthparents  boy  Frankfurt,Germany 
 9-27-57  adoptee  birth family  girl  Dunedin,Fl
10-21-57  Adoptee  birthfamily  girl  LosAngeles 
10-28-57  Adoptee  Birthfamily  girl  Burlingame/SanMateo 
10-31-57  Adoptee  Birthfamily  boy  Houston,TX 
11-8-57  Adoptee  birthmom$family  girl  Chicago,IL 
12-12-57  Adoptee Sibling  birth family  girl  RidleyPark,PA 
12-18-57 Sibling Sibling boy Sayre,Pa
1957-58 Sibling Adoptee boy SanFrancisco,CA

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