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1966  sister  birth brother  boy  Portland.Or 
01-00-66  birtparents  adoptee  girl  Savannah.GA 
1-10-66 Birthmom Adoptee boy Dorchester,MA
1-13-66  Adoptee  birth family  girl  Denver,CO 
1-15-66  Adoptee  birth parents  girl  Gassaway
1-29-66 Adoptee Birthparents girl New York, NY
1-30-66  Birthmom  Adoptee  &girlnbsp; Elizabeth,NJ 
2-14-66 sibling adoptee girl New Orleans, LA
2-23-66  birthmom  adoptee  boy  Washington.DC 
3-00-66 Adoptee Sibling boy York County,Ontario Canada
3or4-1966 Sibling Adoptee boy Bremerton,WA
04-10-66  Adoptee  birthparents  boy  Carthage,NY 
4-15-66 Adoptee Birthfamily girl Pittsburgh,PA
4-18-66 Adoptee Birthparents girl Norfolk/Portsmouth,VA
04-23-66  Other  Adoptee  girl  Syracuse,NY 
05-09-66  Adoptee  Birth family  girl  Atlanta,Ga 
5-19-66  Adoptee  birthmom  girl  Lexingtion,Tn 
6-10-66 Sibling Adoptee girl Omaha,NE
07-15-66  birth mom  Adoptee  girl  Albany,NY 
7-21-66 Birthparents Adoptee boy NewOrleans,LA
8-17-66  Adoptee birthparents  boy


9-1-66 Adoptee Birthfamily boy Richmond,VA
09-10-66  Adoptee  birthparents  girl  portland,Oregon 
9-22-66  Adoptee  birthfamily  girl  Winterpark,Fl 
10-14-66 Adoptee Birthparents boy Houston,TX
11-02-66  Adoptee  birth family  girl  Charlotte,NC 
11-06-66  Birthmom  Adoptee  girl  NewCastle,PA 
11-06-1966  Birthmom  Adoptee  girl  Ellwood,PA 
12-23-66 Birthmom Adoptee girl Rochester, NY

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