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If your name is not here and should be please let me know and I will add you ..I know I am forget very inportent people..I am very sorry.And if your name is here and you do not want it to be please tell me.

First thank you to God for helping me find my sister..And for keeping her safe..


David- thank you for always letting me do what I needed to in the search for my sister..You knew that was something I needed and you stood by me all the way..thank you and I love you..I do not tell you often enough what a great husband you are to me and what a great farther you are to our children. Thank you for all the support you have given me with all my loses and all the support you have given me with my search and with finding my sister.

Shannon-Thank you for aways being there and helping me search and teaching me the computer..You are a great daughter and I am so proud of you..You have been by my side every step of the way..I love you,never change sweetie..

Christina- Thank you for helping me look at things from a diffrent point of view.You are always right there with a hug to make me feel better and to encrouge me.I love you Tinker,You are my baby girl.

David Jr.-Thank you for being so sweet and listening to me all them nights I was searching..You always asked did I find any thing yet.You really cared.You are a good kid and I am glad you are part of my family.

mom- What can I say..I am who I am because of you.Thank for always being there to listen to me and letting me know what a great person you think I am.Because of what you do for me I am who I am..Not half bad huh? Thank you for always letting me know what a great mom you think I am.You will never know what that means to me..I love you..and thank you for my sister.And thank you for being such a great mom to me..Also thank you for the computer that helped me find my sister..

Uncle Toby-You are the best, my most favorite uncle..You are right there for me no mater what,no matter what time..You are like my dad,my friend,my buddie and my uncle all in one..You are the best..I love you.Thank you for making the day I met my sister one of the best days in my life..And thank you for the pictures,the movie and the cake and for being here.You do for others with out thinking of your self and you ALWAYS keep your word..I am so lucky to have you in my life.THANK YOU SO MUCH for everything.

Barbara-Thank you for all the hugs and and support you have givin me in my search.I know you were sick of listening to me every night on the computer while I was searching..Thank you for being such a great sister in law.You have showed me how much you care.thank you.I love you.

Phillip-Thank you for desiging my web page..I love how you did it.It was just what I was looking for.You have been a wonderful friend and have done so much for me .Thank you so much you will never know how much you have meant to me ;-)

Steven- Thank you for teaching me html and helping me all them hours on the computer and on the phone. If it was not for you I would have never thought I could do this. ALSO thank you for all your help in searching for my sister and all the web pages you sent me.You have been so good to me and for all you have done I just want to say thank you..

Wonderwoman-You were here when I got the call so you know what a great day that was in my life.Thank you for being here and being my friend. You helped that day so much with the kids and all making lunch and all the other things you did..Thank you so much. You were there when I needed you.

Dallas-hey are one of my best friends. No matter what, you have been there, even when things were going so wrong in your life you were always worried about what was going on in my life. We have gone throught alot together. Hope things never change. I am so lucky to have met you.Thank you ;-)

Kevin-You have been a sweetheart to me and my girls I thank you for that. thanks for the love and support while I was searching for my sister. And for being a great friend.

Flyin Brian-Thank you for all the nights you listened and supported me. From the first day I met you,You have been a great friend to me and you have been so sweet to my girls. Thank you

Jamie-What can I say.. there is to much to try and fit on this page. I just hope you know what you have done for me. And what you have meant to me from the first hello. Thank you sooooooo much for everything.

Sharon-Another aunt I was looking for my sister never did I think I was going to get an aunt in the deal. You were so kind to us the day we met and I think having you for an aunt is going to be so much fun. Thank you for what you said in the front yard,you took so much of my dout away with one comment.

Dennis- You will do anything that anyone needs you to do thank you for all you have done while I was seaching for my sister.

Becky- my sweet sweet niece. You make me so proud to be your aunt. You are always right there for me no matter what. I don't always tell you but I love you and you mean so much to me.. Thank you for all the help in finding my sister..

Joe-PRETTY PEACHIE DAWN says thank you and smiles. I could not write all you have done for me and my family. All the hours you spent caring and the music you have shared has meant so much to us. Thank you for being you. We love you.

Sax-I bet if you hear me say one more time it will not work you will delete me..LOL.. Thank you for all the help you have giving me with my page and the codes. I think we have become good friends and I am glad about that.. My all night buddie, thanks for all you have done.

Sheri-Thank you for all you did the day I met my sister.You always see a need and fix it no matter what it is..I just want you to know I think you have been a good friend and always there for me when I needed you.

Ricky-Thank you for all the hours you have put in to my page for me. You do not know how much I appreciate it. My page would not have been finished it was not for all the time and help you gave to it with me. Thank you very much, you were so kind to do it for me. And I am glad I got to know you better while we have been working on it. You are a very sweet kid and your mom should be very proud of you.

Stephen-Look I did it. Thank you for all the time you have taken to answer all my questions about the computer. You have taught me so much. And have been there with your cute little BLINK BLINK'S so many nights and kept me smiling and that kept me searching them pages night after night for my sister. Thank you for being the person you are.

Findme-This is were I found my sister...You will never know how much I thank you for your web site.

snowwhite-You are the one who reunited me and my sister THANK YOU. I know you was sick of my emails,sorry

Tammy- I thought you were my sister when I seen your were not who I was thought you were, but we have bonded and and became like sisters..the bond between us will not be broken..We will find your birth family and you will have your reunion story add to my page..I just know it is going to happen.. Hang in there.

ALL WHO HAVE HELPED DESIGN AND MAKE MY WEB PAGE-Me,Phillip,Shannon,Christina,Ricky,Steven,sax,(Uncle toby who checked it out every step of the way)



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