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undefined Christopher Durham

Christopher Durham

PO Box 401

Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473


Objective Biological Field Technician.


Experience Biological Technician Intern.

River Otter Research, Prince William Sound, Alaska, 1997.

100+ hours radio telemetry experience, locating river otters from boats. Operated and maintained video surveillance systems in isolated locations. Responsible for maintenance of equipment at remote field camp. Assisted in capture and processing of animals.

Education Bachelor of Science, Wildlife Biology.

University of Alaska Fairbanks, December, 1998.

BS Curriculum certified by the Wildlife Society; Program meets federal requirements for courses in Botany and Zoology. Capstone course involved intensive analysis of raw data to estimate population parameters. Two years in University of Idaho Wildlife Management BS program prior to Fairbanks transfer.

Skills Computer Applications.

Microsoft: Windows 95/98, Office 97, Outlook, Explorer.

Corel: Word Perfect Suite 97.

Specific: Familiar with Vortex, Capture, Puma, Ramas Space, Netscape Navigator/ Communicator, MINITAB, SYSTAT.


Completed courses in computer-aided presentation, conflict resolution and competitive speech.

Work Experience Waynesville R-VI School District.

Waynesville, Missouri. 1998-1999.

Substitute Teacher, primarily at high-school level. Taught Algebra classes during extended teacher absence. Requested by Math, Science and Speech teachers.

US Army.

82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. 1988-1992.

Trained and supervised up to 7 subordinates in all imaginable environmental conditions. Promoted rapidly to Sergeant; ranked in top 10% of Non-Commissioned Officer Academy class. Received Meritorious Service Medal for performance in Operations Desert Shield/Storm. Honorably discharged, January, 1992.

Interests Backpacking, Fishing, Reading.