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Ecorun Gallery, old pictures...

This a series of pictures for the nostalgic of the past Ecorun editions at Suzuka. Enjoy the good old time!

Ecorun season 2002

New ecorun members at a new Suzuka race sponsored by Honda
New members at a new Suzuka race sponsored by Honda

Ecorun season 2000

Mr. Yamamoto in love with Aiming-2 Mr. Yamamoto in love with Aiming-2
An happy ghost wandering in Suzuka A small ghost wandering in the last Edition of Ecoran at Suzuka
Ecoran members of the 2000 Suzuka edition Ecoran members of the 2000 Suzuka edition

Ecorun season 1996

Ecorun member of the 1996 season The birth of Aiming 2 in the labo

Ecorun season 1995

Aiming 3's piston, look at the cavity in the middle Aiming 1: Take a good look, you won't see it again!

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