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Freqently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some questions that I get asked alot! Well I don't know the answers to all of them but if you know of any questions that you think are "frequently asked" then you can send them to me! _______________________________________________________________________________________ #1. WHAT IS A FURBY "EASTER EGG" ? Well a Furby Easter Egg is somthing I don't have an enormous amount of knowledge on, but I know it's some sort of mistake with Furby. Example, somtimes your Furby might talk Spanish when reset or maybe when two or more Furbys are interacting and they swap personalitys. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ #2. WHY DO SOME FURBYS HAVE DIFFERENT PITCHED VOICES THAN OTHERS? The reason that some Furbys have high or low pitched voices is if it's a high one its a female, if it's a low one it's a male. Also, when reset it may turn into the opposite sex! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ #3. WILL THE FURBY'S APPERANCE BE CHANGED DUE TO THE LAWSUIT? Well from what I hear, it won't be, so I don't suspect that you are going to have to rush to get a Furby so you will have an original one. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ #4. WHAT IS THE RETAIL PRICE OF FURBYS? Well in most ligitiment places, Furbys are going for about $30.00. The price may go down in time, so you might get a better deal if you wait to get a Furby! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #5. CAN I TEACH MY FURBY TO REPEAT WHAT I SAY? The answer is no! I get this question ALOT! The reason that you can't is, all the words that Furby can say are already programmed into him. He can't actually hear what you say. All Furby has is a sensor that picks up loud sound, whether it's a scream, bark or just someone clapping. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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