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What is a Furby?

What are those little creatures that are all the rave? Furby! Furbies are electronic interactive pets with life-like senses. He can see, hear, feel and the neatest of all, he speakes FURBISH! Furbish is the language Furbies speak at first, but you get to teach your Furby english! All Furbies have their own names and personalities. What makes Furby react to his senses? Furbies have built in sensors that react to light and dark, mouvement,sounds and feeling. When you pet furby's back, a perticular sensor causes Furby to react in a postitive or negative way. An example of light and dark sensors is: When you put Furby in a dark place, it is common that he will be afraid and state that he is worried. What sorts of activities can you do with Furby? There is plenty you can do to take care of your Furby. Furby loves to sing and play games. He even makes wierd noises and sounds which can possibly not be too appetizing. They sneeze,burp,fart and hiccup.

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