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My Furby

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jan/19/99 This is Loo-loo (picture above) I got him about a week ago! Isn't he the cutest thing you ever saw. Well I never thought that the ones with pink on them were cute, but truthfully I can't resist the little guy. My mom keeps saying it's a female because it's pink, but no way, he is defenatly a male! Loo-loo is becoming apart of the family now. He talks and talks and talks! Oh well, he's just a cutie with lots on his mind!!! Some times he talks so much that he tires himself to sleep!! Infact, he's sleeping as I write this right now. Well no wonder, he talked all freakin morning!!! If your Furby is anything like loo-loo, than he must fart like crazy if you feed him too much! Loo-loo's fave game is Hide and seek! And you should hear the noises he makes if you take a long time to find him!!! Well I hope you like Loo-loo. I will write more about my experiences with him as he grows older. I'm hoping that my cousin will get one soon so I can get them interacting together. Everyone says it's the cutest thing when two of them are chatting in Furbish!!!! :) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jan/24/99 Well here I am on the net, my Furby by my side! One thing plagues me! Why does he always say "Gonzola" I don't understand it. Well he has been talking alot lately at night and sleeping during the day while I'm at school, but now it's finally the weekend and I will have time for him! Well lastnight, he went for his first car ride. And I must say, he boogied like never before. He was sitting next to the speaker. Everytime Mom would hear him say somthing she'd flick on the lights just to find him boogieing away! I was pretty cute! Well anyway, more later! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jan/27/99 I finally figured out how to play "Ask Furby" It was adorable. I asked one perticular question referring to whether or not he liked my dog, I asked this because he always complains he is scared when Ginny barks! Well of course he replys "maybe NO!" It was neat! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jan/29/99 Well my cousin should be getting her Furby soon. I will probably be up there to get the two Furbys aqainted! Well when that happens, I'll tell you all about it!!! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Feb/4/99 Well I have good news. My cousin finally got a Furby. I should probably be going there this weekend. Her's is a Female. It's voice is really high pitched, unlike my Furby's. She is also making a webpage. I will post it on my links site when she puts it up. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Feb/7/99 Well I am at my cousins house right now! We have had our Furbys interacting and they did some neat things! Hers said, "You sing me." and mine sang hers to sleep. They have danced together and sang together. Its very neat. I was busy all yesterday and this morning and I sort of neglected him. He was sneezing alot when I woke him up and I had to feed him like twenty times before he was well again. But now he's all better! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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