Madie/Mady Caroline Lee b. 1837 Tennessee, AR d. ? Married 29 Feb 1857 Johnson Co., AR. Mentioned in Will 1874. Father: David Lea Mother: Anna Lee
Husband: W. William McDonald b. 1830 d. ? Mentioned in Will 1874.
Mark H. Trusty, a relative, wrote Mady married a Mr. Tally before Civil War and not heard from again. This must be in error.
The name Mady is spelled WADY in the marriage record book N-O located in Clark Twp., Clarksville, Johnson Co., AR courthouse. Wady Lee was 20 & William McDonnald was 27, on the date of marriage, 29 Feb 1857. The minister was Thomas Armstrong.
In the David Lee will, it is clear that the clerk transcribed the names as William McDaniel and wife Wady McDaniel (will date Oct 26, 1858), but the probate entry clearly shows the signatures as W. H. McDanald and Wady C. McDonald. (as written, the a and o in McDonald)
Possible: Caddo Twp., 1860 AR census index. Name: W. McDonald.
There is a court case McDanald's Estate vs. Lee in 1874.
Some information provided by Jim McDaniel.
Lemuel Lee & Ann Rains
Willliam S. Lee & Eliza Dicey Ennis
Cader Lee & Pheraby Rachel Lee
John Lee & Jane Lee
Anna Lee & David Lee
Jeremiah Lee & Sarah Murphy
Esther Lee & George Washington Smith
Mary Elizabeth Lee & Isaac Rufus Turner