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Basham Information

Hugh Mitchell Basham died 1910, age 23

The Herald Democrat, dated 7 Aug 1913, "Frank Basham, was stricken with paralysis last week at the court house in Clarksville, & died at his residence Aug. 5th, at 60 years old. He had suffered previous milder strokes in recent years. Survivors: Charles, John, Robert, Drew, Mrs. David Sams, OK. Mrs. James Baskins & Miss Lillie Basham, all of Johnson County. Brothers: Judge G. L. Basham, Little Rock, Dr. Oliver Basham, Lone Pine, Mrs. A. F. McKennon, McAlester, OK & Judge Hugh Basham, Clarksville. Burial: Lone Pine Cemetery, Johnson Co., AR".

The Herald Democrat, dated 26 Nov 1914, "George L. Basham, 66 years old, a pioneer resident & attorney of Little Rock, & Confederate veteran, died at 4 O'clock Thursday afternoon at his home, 415 West 18th Street, after a brief illness. He was born 24 Mar 1848, Clarksville. Parents: Oliver & Martha Basham. His father came to AR from VA in 1839, & was killed while a soldier in the Confederate army. Mr. Basham was a graduate from St. John's College, Little Rock. He entered the Confederate army at age 15, in 1863. He joined the Cabell's cavalry brigade. After Price's raid into MO, his regiment was placed in Thomas Selden Roan's brigade, where he served until his discharge. He mustered out in Marshall, TX in 1865. After the war, Mr. Basham became a schoolteacher and then read law in the office of Gallager & Newton, Clarksville. He was admitted to the bar 13 Nov 1873, & opened an office in Little Rock. At the outbreak of the Brooks- Baxter War in 1874, he served with Gov. Baxter's forces & was made a major in the state militia. He was a leader of the First M. E. Church & Sunday school, was a Scottish Rite Mason & Commander of Omer R. Weaver Camp, AR Div., United Confederate Veterans. He married 1 Oct 1879, to Miss Julia Parma Beall, who died three years ago".

The Herald Democrat, dated 15 Apr 1926, "Dr. Oliver Basham, of Lone Pine Community died Wed. morning at a hospital in Little Rock. The remains were brought to Clarksville on the train Thursday and interred in Lone Pine Cemetery Thursday afternoon. Survivors: Judge Hugh Basham. Dr. Basham's father was a colonel in the Confederate Army & killed at Pilot Knob, MO in 1864, leaving his mother, "Aunt Martha", to rear & educate 8 children. He was State Treasurer of AR when the war broke out in 1861, having been elected in 1860. George W. Bean wrote of Dr. Basham, "As a little boy I knew the Doctor as "Oliver" or "Bud". He used to ride astride behind his mother on an old sorrel horse to Clear Springs to church where he would crawl up to the pulpit, take his seat between the preachers and say "Amen" for them while they prayed. He was religiously inclined & took his part in church singing. He was a man to emulate as a moral & law-abiding citizen. Obit continues to praise his memory and condolences to last of the family, Judge Hugh Basham".

Ther Herald Democrat, dated 2 Apr 1931, "John Basham, 17, son of Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Basham, was accidently shot Saturday morning at 10 O'clock while out hunting with a companion, Heartsill Ragon, Jr., 13,. When the gun carried by Ragon was discharged, the bullet struck the right side near the hip and lodged in the lobe below the back. His companion assisted him to get medical aid. At present, he is recovering well".

The Herald Democrat, dated 7 May 1931, "Mrs. Rebecca Basham, 65, died at home on N. Johnson Street, Saturday afternoon at 4 O'clock after six weeks illness. Funeral services conducted at home Sunday afternoon by Rev. L. C. Tedford, First Baptist Church, which she was a member. Burial was at Lone Pine Cemetery. Survivors: Daughter; Mrs. Earl Duty, Son: Harry Basham, Brothers: James Riddle, Lone Pine, M. E. Riddle, Rosedale, OK, G. L. Riddle, Ft. Smith, Sisters: Mrs. Emma Stringer & Mrs. H. H. Haigwood, Clarksville".

The Herald Democrat, dated 31 May 1934, "Lucy Marie Basham, was presented in a senior recital in piano & expression at the high school auditorium Tuesday evening. She is a pupil of Mrs. R. W. Misenhimer. She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. R. L. Basham. She is an honor student & has been a student of expression for four years. District reading '32, Senior play '34, Art '32, Music '32, Class secretary '33 & Little Theatre '34.

The Herald Democrat, dated 29 Dec 1936, "John C. "Chub" Basham, 53, businessman of Ajo, AZ & former Clarksville resident, died at home last Thursday. He was born in Merit, TX, 5 Sep 1884. He & his wife, Ethel Pryor, daughter of Mrs. J. D. Pryor, near here, made their home in AZ for the last 21 years, in the grocery business for the past 15 years. Survivors: Wife, Brother: Oliver Basham, Wichita, KS, Sisters: Mrs. Mary Thompson, Ajo, AZ, & Mrs. A. L. West, Tulsa, OK. Services was conducted in Ajo, AZ by the Elks Club, which he was a member. Services here conducted by the First Methodist Church & burial at Oakland Cemetery. Pallbearers: Orville Arrington, Ike Williams, John T. Simmons, J. D. Roquemore, F. A. Blackburn & Dillon Blackburn".

The Herald Democrat, dated 3 Jun 1938, "Robert Basham, Clarksville, a freshman at the College of the Ozarks, Thursday afternoon set the intramural marathon swim record for the college pool by swimming 100 lengths of the pool, equal to one-half mile distance. He also is the former state welter-weight champion & he recently passed his senior life saving examinations & will act as life guard at the pool this summer".

The Herald Democrat, dated 2 Aug 1934, "James Hugh Basham, celebrated his 79th birhday on July 25. He was born in Johnson County, AR & son of the late Olinver & Martha Basham, his father coming here with his parents from Virginia in 1830. On 17 Jan 1884, he married Emily Maffitt. The celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversay quietly. The Bashams attend church at the First Methodist Church morning and evening. He still walks everyday to the office. His many friends wish him many more birthdays".

The Herald Democrat, dated 26 Oct 1933, "W. J. Basham, 74, died at his home on East Hill last Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 O'clock. Born 6 miles from Clarksville, 9 Feb 1859, a lifelong resident of Johnson County, and grocerer for the past 52 years. He was Vice President of the First National Bank, Clarksville, member of the city council, & Clarksville school board, & a member of the First Presbyterian Church. He married Lucy Ragon, from Logan Co., AR, 6 Sep 1883. He was an honorary member of the Franklin Lodge #9, F. & A.M. Survivors: Wife, Daughter: Mrs. Agnes Stewart, Stuttgart, sons: Ragon Basham & Robert Basham, Clarksville. Brothers: J. O. Basham, & Mahlon Basham, Clarksville. Sisters: Mrs. W. B. Lee, Clarksville, Mrs. N. L. Green, Mrs. Reece Horricks, Mrs. Julia Miller, Little Rock, Mrs. Hannah Reed, Minatore, NE, Mrs. Minnie Martin, Phoenix, AZ, Mrs. Josie Allen, Tulsa, OK. Funeral service at the First Presbyterian Church, burial at Oakland Cemetery, with the Franklin Lodge providing special grave side service. Pallbearers: W. B. Jusice, Daniel B. Byrd, Jess Thompson, M. A. Scarborough, B. B. Logan & Armil Taylor".

The Herald Democrat, dated 11 Jan 1934, "John Mahlon Basham, 53, died at home, Sunday morning at 3:45, after a week's illness. He was born 6 miles north of Clarksville on 28 Oct 1880, a lifelong resident, where he was a contractor & carpenter. He married Mamie Edwards in Dec 1908. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Survivors: Wife, Sons: Edward & David Basham, of the home. Brother: J. O. Basham, Clarksville. Sisters: Mrs. W. B. Lee, Clarksville, Mrs. Reese P. Horricks, Mrs. Julia Miller, Mrs. Cora Green, Little Rock. Mrs. Joe Allen, Tulsa, OK. Mrs. Minnie Martin, Phoenix, AZ, & Mrs. Hannah Reed, Minitare, NE".

The Herald Democrat, dated 14 Aug 1952, "Mrs. W. J. Basham, 89, died Friday, Aug 8, at home after a lengthy illness. She spent 69 years in Clarksville. Survivors: Sons: R. L. Basham, Clarksville, Ragon Basham, Little Rock, & Charlie Basham, South Carolina, Daughter: Mrs. H. P. Stewart, Stuttgart, AR. Funeral services held at First Presbyterian Church, & burial at Oakland Cemetery".

The Herald Democrat, dated 19 Jan 1942, "James Hugh Basham, 86, died at home after a lengthy illness. He was born 25 Jul 1855, six miles north of Clarksville. He was nine years of age when his father died, which occured at Pilot Knob, MO, under Sterling Price, 6 Sep 1864. His parents were born in Eastern Virginia, and when he was five years old, they moved to Tazewell Co., VA. In 1839, he came to Johnson County, AR. Here he met Miss Martha Patrick, daughter of John W. Patrick, who served in the legislature of AR when the commonwealth was still a territory. Olinver Basham served in the Mexican War, & was one of the first to enlist in the Confederate army. Children of Olinver & Martha Basham were: George L. Basham, lawyer & capitalist. Mrs. C. O. Kimball, Little Rock. Frank P. & Olinver Basham, Lone Pine, Dr. John P. Basham, Argenta. Mrs. A. S. McKennon, McAlester, OK & Judge Hugh Basham. His mother was born in Alabama in 1825. She was carried to AR, three years old, in 1828. She died 26 July, at 87. He began his law practice in 1879 in the office of A. S. McKennon, & served as county judge for four terms, from 1890 to 1898. In 1907, he was appointed circuit judge for the fifth judicial district (Johnson, Pope, Conway, & Yell Counties), and served until 1915. A member of the Methodist Church for over 30 years, he served as chairman of the board of stewards for more than 25 years. In 1883, he married Emily Maffitt, daughter of Dr. & Emily Cox Maffitt & the 59th Wedding Anniversay came on the day of his death. Survivors: Wife, Daughter: Miss Martha Basham, Clarksville. Services conduct by the First Methodist Church and burial at Oakland Cemetery".

The Herald Democrat, dated 17 Sep 1942, "James Oliver Basham, celebrated his 80th birthday. He was born 16 Sep 1862, son of James & Lemira Shelton Basham. Covers were laid for King Basham, Ft. Smith, Mrs. Herbert Jett, Little Rock, Mrs. Alvin Laser, Boston, MA, Mrs. Carl Blackburn, Mt. Vernon, Washington, Heartsill Basham, Mrs. W. J. Basham, Mrs. J. M. Basham, Mrs. N. L. Green, Mrs. J. O. Basham, & the honoree".

The Herald Democrat, dated 9 Dec 1946, "Mrs. James Oliver Basham, 76, died Saturday, 8:30pm at her home at 703 Louise Street. She was Clarinda Jane "Clara" King born 16 May 1870, daughter of Alfred King, she married 24 Dec 1884, to J. O. Basham. Survivors: Husband, Sons: Walter Basham, Oakland, CA. King Basham, Ft. Smith, & Heartsill Basham, Los Angeles, CA. Daughters: Mrs. Wilson Godwin, Mt. Vernon, Washington, Mrs. Herbert Jett, Little Rock, Mrs. C. S. Wilson, Sapulpa, OK, & Mrs. Alvin Laser, Boston, MA. Brother: Richard M. King, Clarksville, Rt. 2. Funeral services held at First Presbyterian Church and burial in Oakland Cemetery".

The Herald Democrat, dated 23 Sep 1948, "Mrs. Goulia Dunn Bean Basham, celebrated her 90th birthday, Sep 19th, Sunday. Attendance: Mr. & Mrs. Champ Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Harley Domerese Jr. & Joyce Gayle, Mrs. Nora Basham & Mrs. Irene Epperson, Clarksville, Mrs. D. K. Sams, Stigler, OK, Mrs. Lilly Sanders, Tacoma, Washington, Miss Sue Basham, Ft. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. D. B. Basham & daughters, Yvonne & Zelmadean, Lone Pine".

The Herald Democrat, dated 15 Mar 1949, "House Destroyed, Car Damaged In Fire, to Mrs. Lillie Basham's four-room frame house, four miles west near Wire Road. About 200 bales of hay and $200 of lumber, a number of stoves & furniture were destroyed. Insurance expired about a month ago. Fire origin undetermined".

The Herald Democrat, dated 21 Apr 1949, "James Oliver Basham, 86, a former Clarksville resident, died at home of daughter, Mrs. Imogene Wilson, Ft. Smith, Thursday, 21 Apr, 1pm after a long illness. He was in the grocery business about 20 years. He later was a building contractor. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church. Survivors: Daughters: Mrs. Herbert Jett, & Mrs. Jewel Laser, Little Rock, Mrs. Bertha Godwin, Washington, Sons: King Basham, Ft. Smith, Heartsill Basham, Los Angeles, CA, Walter Basham, Oakland, CA. Burial at Oakland Cemetery".

The Herald Democrat, dated 10 May 1949, "Mrs. Gordon Basham, 26 years old, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bean, Lone Pine, who died 5th May, Fresno, CA, after a short illness. Survivors: Husband & parents, Sons: David, Donnie, & Eddie Wayne Basham, all of the home. Sister: Mrs. Joyce Mae Thornton, Clarksville. Brothers: Gorman & Harmon Bean, Clarksville. Funeral service at Lone Pine Church & burial at Lone Pine Cemetery".

The Herald Democrat, dated 25 Jan 1951, "Mrs. Emily Maffit Basham, 92, died Tuesday night about 10 O'clock after a long illness. She was a member of the First Methodist Church & widow of Hugh Basham. Survivors: daughter: Miss Martha Basham, an instructor at the Clarksville High School. Funeral services held at the home on Wilson Street, & burial at Oakland Cemetery".

The Graphic, dated Wednesday, 7 May 1980, "Miss Martha Basham, aged 85, Clarksville, died Monday at Johnson County Hospital. She was a graduate of Clarksville High School & Hendrix College. She taught school in 1917 & at Kingsland, Monticello, Piggott, Coal Hill, Prairie Grove, Lavaca, & Clarksville, over 23 years. She was a member of the National Association of Retired Teachers, member of the College Study Club & a member of the First United Methodist Church, where she taught the Business & Professional Women's Sunday School Class. Funeral services at Hardwicke Funeral Chapel & burial at Oakland Cemetery, Clarksville, Johnson Co., AR. Pallbearers: Robert Basham, Jim Mason, David Scarborough, J. T. White, Bill Dickerson & Garner Taylor".

Ther Herald Democrat, dated 21 Jul 1982, "Drew Basham, 82, Clarksville died Friday, July 16, at St. Mary's Hospital, Russellville. He was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church & a retired farmer. Survivors: Mrs. Mae Basham, his wife. Son: Leftridge Drew Basham, Highwood, MT, Daughter, Ameretta O'Nal, Beatric Clark, Clarksville, Zelmadene Parker, Devalls Bluff, & Yvonne England, Warsaw, MO. Stepsons: Bill Nowotny, Clarksville & Tommy Nowotny, Knoxville. Stepdaughters: Mary Williams, Knoxville, Betty Hays, Russellville, & Patricia Smith, Pocola, OK. Grandchildren: Don O'Neal, Ron O'Neal, Francis O'Neal, Steve O'Neal, Carey Lee Clark, Debra Clark Gray, Sam Parker, Eddie Parker, Pam England Rodgers, & Karen England Tournear.Funeral services Monday, July 19, Lone Pine Church & burial at Lone Pine Cemetery. Pallbearers: Francis O'Neal, Wes Reodgers, Eddie Parker, Carey Clark, Kenneth Williams & Orland Bean".

The Graphic, dated 5 Jun 1996, "Leftridge Drew Basham, 75, Grain Valleym MO, died Tuesday, 28 May 1996, at his home. Son of Drew & Beulah Jacobs Basham, member of the Presbyterian Church, a retired businessman, Navy veteran of WWII having served on the USS New York four years as water tender first class, former mayor of Brady, MT, where he was a businessman for 35 years, and a member of the American Legion Post #98 in Brady, MT. Survivors: Shirley Wallen, companion, Stepdaughters: Debbie Fritts, Blue Springs, MO, Jennifer Pierce, Moscow, ID, Junie Jacobson, Los Angeles, CA, & Sandy Mee, Highwood, MT. Stepsons: Bruce Wallen, Blue Springs, MT, & Lee Davidson, Great Falls, MO. Sisters: Ameretta O'Neal & Beatrice Clark, Clarksville. Zelmadene Parker, De Valls Bluff, & Yvonne England, Ft. Worth, TX. Funeral Saturday, 1 June, at the First United Methodist Church, Clarksville. Burial at Lone Pine Cemetery. Pallbearers: Don O'Neal, Carey Clark, Clark Gray, Dave Fritts, Brian Harlan, Steve O'Neal, Phillip England, & Mike Jacobs".

The Graphic, dated 4 Jul 2001, "Edward Basham, 91, Clarksville, died Saturday, 30 Jun 2001, at Johnson Regional Hospital. Native of Clarksville, son of John Mahlon & Mamie Edwards Basham, graduate of Clarksville High School, & College of the Ozarks, track star & held several track records. Army Air Corps veteran of WWII, where he served in the Pacific, member of First Presbyterian Church, & a retired peach grower & carpenter. Survivors: Stuart Basham, Piedmont, OK & Richard Basham, Carey Basham, Houston, TX. Nieces: Suzanne Coots & Elizabeth Gooch, Houston, TX, & Sara Miller, Ft. Smith. Funeral Tuesday, July 3, at the First Presbyterian Church, & burial at Oakland Cemetery".

The Graphic, dated 4 Jun 2003, "Gene Basham, 83, Clarksville, died 27 May, at area hospital. Born 5 Apr 1920, Van Buren. Parents: John Harold Harry & Lou Riddle Basham. He was a graduate of Clarksville High School, attended College of the Ozarks, & custodian for the church for 28 years. Funeral at the First Presbyterian Church & burial at Oakland Cemetery. Survivor: Brother: Robert H. Basham, Clarksville. Nieces: Ailson Kotarek, Greenwood, & Jan Thompson, Fayetteville".

Oliver Basham & Martha Patrick
James Basham & Lamar Shelton

Logan County, Arkansas Families