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I would like to say thanks
to all the people that made this site


I would like to thank shwell for getting me start in email pages and for going out of his way to help me the night we built my very frist email page and for having patience.I think we both had to clean are email out after that night LOL Thank Shwell

ALA-Boy & MrCryer

I would like to thank ala-boy for the help with the transloader & Email codes for books.And Mrcryer for the quick lesson in building homepage and for replying to my emails when i had a question you had a answer.Thanks to both of you


I would like to give a special thanks to Amanda my eleven year old daughter for helping on the wording of this site.Thank You.


I would like to thank Kim for hunting down stuff for me and all the things she has helped me with and a big thanks for the ear she has lended when i needed one. Kim was my first friend on the net and she has stuck by me through alot of stuff. Thank you your very special.


I would like to say thanks to SisterFrog for helping me with the frames and everytime i need something your there. You are very special to me thanks.

Graphic Builders
GuestBook Makers
SlamBook Makers
Counter Makers

I would like to say Thanks to all the Graphics Builders for taking your time to build stuff so we can use in our websites.And just to mention a few like my panther's and the Roller Coaster Ride.I don't know the particular names of the builders of them Graphics in my website but they are great.And to the Builders of the Guestbooks, Slambooks and Counters them are things i think you really need on your site to kinda keep track and to view the kind words of others. Us homepage builders would be lost without all of you builders. Thank You All


I would like to say thanks to the people that made the website Angelfire without you Builders homepages wouldn't be possible for people like me. I think i would really be lost LOL. Thanks.

To the viewers

Thank you for each and everyone of you that has taken time to go in and view this site. I have put many long and stressful hours in this site so it would look good for all the viewers to view. Thank you for taking your time and signing my guestbook and slambook while you was in there so i would know you was there. And thank you so much for all the compiments i have received on my homepage. I owe a Special thanks in someway to each and everyone one of you on my Mail list. You been the best.

So i would like to say Thank You to each and everyone of you and anyone i may have missed for helping me make this site possible because the part you dont see is how happy my babies get when they see there pics on the T.V. it brings a large smile to my face to see them enjoy it so much. If it wasn't for my kids and TCCYBOTICS i dont know if i would of went on with building this page. And we must thank the singers and writers of Music. Because i think music is very powerful. I think everyone can relate to this. I am honored to have your songs on my site. Thank You all very very much.