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U.S. Space Program Bows To Mecca

Priorities: NASA's chief says his mission is not to return us to space but to help the Muslim world feel good about its scientific contributions.

At a time when the only missile programs in the Arab world, namely in Syria and Iran, are aimed at hitting Israel with chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, NASA administrator Charles Bolden goes on Al Jazeera to tell the Muslim world his "foremost" goal was to make them feel good about their achievements in math, science and engineering.

Bolden's one small step for Islam comes after presiding over the demise of the space shuttle program and the cancellation of the Constellation program, which was to put America back on the moon and restore America's space dominance.

This administration does not believe in American exceptionalism and has said at conferences such as the G-20 that we would just like to be one of the 20. We no longer seek to lead, but we yearn to apologize. Hey, fellas, forget that American flag on the moon. Sorry about that. It won't happen again. Welcome aboard the starship Kumbaya.

"When I became the NASA administrator — or before I became the NASA administrator — he (Obama) charged me with reaching out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering." Say what?

Foremost? Feel good? Time was, the job of NASA and its administrator was to direct America's exploration of and dominance in space. Sure, we launched foreign satellites and carried foreign astronauts, scientists and their experiments into space. But always using America's launch vehicles and space shuttle. NASA's mission statement said nothing about esteem-building in the Arab world.

He also said no nation, not even ours, could make it any more without foreign help. Maybe he was thinking about the missiles and warheads Iran was building to vaporize Tel Aviv. Some neat technology there.

The NASA administrator spoke in June at the American University in Cairo. The occasion was the one-year anniversary of President Obama's apology to the Muslim world, also in a speech in Cairo. Only this administration celebrates an apology and sends the space agency chief to do it.

We are reminded of how many jihadists here and abroad actually cheered the space shuttle Challenger disaster as a blow against the Great Satan. Typical was Ali Al-Timimi, a noted imam and native Washingtonian who had government clearance — even worked with a former White House chief of staff.

He called it a "good omen" for Muslims because it was a blow to their "greatest enemy."

We'd suggest that if this is NASA's new mission — to abandon American manned space flight and American leadership while embarking on some sort of global community organizing — Congress should defund it and transfer its staff to the Peace Corps or something.

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