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Penis enlarger case in small-claims court

GRANBY, Que. (CP) — A Quebec man is demanding compensation for a penis enlarger he claims never worked, despite 500 hours of use.

The man has gone before a small-claims court, hoping for an award of $762 to recoup the cost of the device as well as moral and punitive damages.

He told a newspaper in Granby, Que., that he was initially drawn to the X4 Extender Deluxe Edition by an advertisement that promised results within several months.

The $262 device is sold by Montreal company HotGVibe.

A Quebec judge is expected to hand down a decision in the next six weeks.

My Comments:

Haha. Small claims court.

Will the evidence stand up in court?

Do you think the evidence will stand up?

I’ve heard the whole case is kinda soft and thin.

His case fell flat.

What a whack job!

The evidence just didn’t measure up in court.

I predict the case will be dismissed for insufficient evidence.

Apparently the plaintiff wanted to ask for a trial, but was afraid he’d wind up with a hung jury.

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