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Democrats deeply sadden about Rice testifying

Now that Condoleezza Rice will testify before the bipartisan commission investigating the 9/11 terror attacks not all democrats are happy. Senator Tom Daschle say he is "deeply sadden, why should the commission hear from Condoleessz Rice when we haven't even given al Queda a chance to give their side of the story."

Senator Ted Kennedy complained about the unfairness of Ms. Rice being allow now to testify. "She crossed the bridge and landed in the water now she wants someone to help her out, I say no, no, no let her lay in the murky waters she brought on herself."

Democrat presidential nominee John Forbes Kerry today said that Usama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leaders of al Qaeda, should testify before the bipartisan commission investigating the 9/11 terror attacks before allowing  Condoleessz Rice to give her biased side of the story.

"We're asking U.S. officials how 9/11 could have been allowed to happen," said Mr. Kerry. "It seems that Mr. bin Laden and Mr. al-Zawahiri would have first-hand information that would be relevant to the committee's proceedings."

Mr. Kerry said that when he is president of the United States, he will "direct Attorney General Richard Clarke to subpoena both George Bush and Dick Cheney and find out why it was necessary to go to war, we must find a way to get along with al Qaeda and why they are misunderstood and what we can do for them to like us."


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