Yassar Arafat:
August 24, 1929 - November 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 2004.
Your virgins have been delayed ... indefinitely... but I'm here to take care of you, Mr. Arafat.
Yasser's achieved room temp. He died just in
time for his funeral. Imagine that! The good news is that he is reunited
with many of his deceased followers that have gone on before him, but the
bad news is it's mighty HOT at their reunion. Hell burns a little bit warmer
tonight...He is realizing that there are not 72 virgins waiting for him
and he is probably getting a pitch fork up the wazzu Maybe Michael Moore gets to be one of his
They should bury him upside down, so if he does
come back to life, he can start digging his way out,but he will be heading
straight down to hell. God will just pull the lever on the commode that sends
Arafat to Hell.
I just put on a bathrobe and am handing out candy to
the neighbor kids... Finally...............I can drink the rest of the
Champagne that was left after "Dubya" won.........two celebrations
in two weeks..........what a bonanza!!!!!!!!!!!
Satan finally needed his coordinator back to invent new ways to torture souls...
His wife's last words to him: "What's the PIN