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People of Walmart Video #12

Walmart has become the type of store that attracts various stripes of people. Here's something to think about.
The store may be America's last true retail melting pot. So, to honor the folks who frequent the family chain—they're
a colorful cast of characters. WalMart discount retailer was founded in the sixties and was in direct
competition to Kmart, however lower prices and the fact that they built superstores which offered everything from food
to clothing, soon set them apart. Deep discount means that consumers from all walks of life are likely to shop there,
and it seems that it has become the mecca of come as you are, no need to dress up, or even put on pants that fit for that matter,
some folks come with bad hairdos, excessive tattoos or ill-fitting clothing.
It seems that the world is indeed fascinated with the people of Walmart.

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