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Quest For Jordan

Welcome! Myself (Ali), Jenny and Tracy would like to officially welcome you to "Quest For Jordan" We're very happy you stopped by to see us. Now we're going to answer some frequently asked questions about the club.

"What is 'Quest For Jordan'?"

"Quest For Jordan" Is a fanclub for the Interscope recording artist Jordan Knight. We are a fans club. What that means is we are run by the fans of Jordan Knight. Members give us suggestions, comments or info and inturn we supply it back to all the other fans. We try to keep you up-to-date on what's happening with Jordan.

"How do I join?"

That's simple if you participate in any of the activites on the site your in. Officially though you gotta sign up for the club mailing list. Which we highly suggest. That is where we keep everyone up-to-date with what's going on.

"What do you do in this club?"

Well as a fan you do different fun activities. We have contest and games. Soon as we finish getting the member packets printed you'll get newsletters and pictures. The newsletter has fans stories and fun stuff to do and goofy tales of the back in the day Jordan era. Basically what we want from you is to participate. To have fun and most of all make new friends and enjoy yourselves.

"What does the staff of QFJ do?"

We try to make you happy. We try to make sure you the latest Jordan info in the fastest time possible. (Which is easier when your on the mailing list) We take all your suggestions and make them come true. We also are the judges of the contests and we award the prizes and all that good stuff. We are the ones you come to if there is any problem or if you have any questions as to whats going on.

"Well what does Jordan think?"

To tell you the truth we really don't know. Some members have told him about us and he seemed happy for all the support. We are trying to get more notice out to him so he knows what's up and so we can get his imput.

"So Jordan really has no part in this?"

Well actually he has a big part. We are here to support and promote him. That's why we're here. BTW the e-mail address on the bottom of the pages does not belong to Jordan. That is the sites address. We have recieved many e-mails thinking that we are Jordan. Sorry to disappoint or confuse. Not yet guys we're working on it.

If you have any more questions feel free to e-mail us at any time. We are happy to hear from fans. If you wish to join just click the link at the bottom of the page. We hope to hear from all of you soon!

Ali and Jenny

Co-Prez QFJ



QFJ Mailing List
