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Jordan News

Sept. 6th update

Ok guys here's the latest. Big Congrats to Jordan who recently became a father. Yep Dante Jordan Knight was born Aug. 25,1999 at 4:11pm..7lbs 4oz. So congrats Jordan!!!!

In Sept be on the lookout according to the Borders Bookstore webpage Jordan will have his own book coming out titled "Give it to you.. The Jordan Knight Story"

Don't forge to watch the mtv video music awards he is nominated for best dance video thats 9/9/99.

He is also rumored to be on "The view" this wensday so check your local listings.

Come this Sept Jordan will be leaving the N'Sync tour and he will be starting his radio tour. So if you have tickets to N'Sync shows this sept and you want to see Jordan you might be in for a disappointment.

Jordan will be giving a free concert in New York check for location and time.

Look for Jordan in the latest issues of "Teen People"oct.

Jordans video "Never take the place of you man" is not doing well on trl so keep voting everyone!!!

NKOTB2000 Press Release

Attention Fans!! Coming Soon...

Exciting news about NKOTB2000- an East Coast Fan Convention to be held next summer Boston!

For the latest updates visit our website at

Join the Onelist for up-to-date information at:

Check out our message board at:

If you have any questions or are interested in being involved please email the Advisory Committee at

Let's get together and celebrate the KIDS they were, and the MEN they've become!

Well thats all for now.

-Till next time-


Can I come over tonight-bad quality sorry
