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*Member Spotlight*


This months member of the month is.....


She had a great answer to last months question.

Here was August's Question:

"What would you like to see Jordan do when you see him perform?"

When I see Jordan Preform..i would love to see him just kidding...well i wouldn't hate that..but really..I'd like to see him call me up on stage to sing backup with him!! Wouldn't that be GREAT!!! I love to sing...especially the backup stuff to jk album...I would also like to see his baby..well maybe one day we all will see the litte cutie! anyway...Pick me out of the crowd that is my official wish.

That was a great answer!!!

Here is Sept.'s question-"What advise would you give Jordan now that he's a father and starting out with a successful carreer?"

If you would like to be the member of the month just fill out the Question of the month in the most creative way possible:-)

-Till next time-

-Ali and Jenny-

Presidents of Quest for Jordan


Vice president