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About me

Hello Everyone...well this is the page about me. I am now living in Alberta. I am a very proud mother of two beautiful boys. These two are my lights when the days are dark.
Well, other than that I have a lot of very close friends and a better family than I could have asked for. They have always been there for me. I would like to share a poem that came to me shortly after being in an accident where I was hit by a drunk driver.
I danced with the devil
and twisted metal
blood ran down my face
I was saved by the angels
who took me upon their grace.
A drink from the bottle
and chains around the link
Heed the words of the angels
when they are trying to save your fate.
any poems you would like to share with me I would be grateful to accept. I am going to construct a page of poetry. Well, I enjoy meditating, tarot, anything mystical, as well as reading, dancing and movies. My passion is to open my own business and I am working on that as we speak. Any how that is pretty much me in a nutshell, if anyone would like to contact me please do *S*
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