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My Wonderful Family

Well, Here is a few more of my family. AS mentioned I also have a brother. Him and his wife don't really want their pics splashed across the net so I respect their wishes. Too bad because they make a wonderful couple. I will just suffice to say that they have given me a neice and two nephews.

My Grandma

Meet my wonderful Gramma. Her name is Dot. She is the most neat Gramma a person could have. She has the most incredible sense of humor. We usually refer to her as the queen of one liners. She can crack you up all the time. Gramma is so kind and considerate. She has a great love for children, angels and country music...oh yeah and the casino. LOL I am so lucky to have such a magnificent grandmother who is also one of my very best friends. I LOVE YOU GRAMMA!!!!

My Cousins

Here are my three cousins, Trisha, Jenny and Carey. They are the greatest of cousins, friends and people. I have had a lot of fun with them. Trisha always gets me in the most trouble though LOL. Oh the stories I could tell. LOL. Trisha is now the proud mother of a little boy, Austin. He is the cutest..always smiling and lauging. He is so smart. Jenny has a beautiful little girl Emily. She is the most beautiful little girl that you have ever seen. She is such a content baby. Carey just graduated from needless to say that we are all proud of her. I have some more cousins, Tiffany, Jason & Alicia, their son Darius, Collin, Daniel, Matthew, Shawn, John, Melanie and Michael. I think I got them all in there. It is a big family but it is a wonderful zany I wouldn't trade for the world.

Special Events

I have such wonderful memories of all my family from the food being thrown into the pool with all your clothes on. There is a lot of laughter when the family gets together, which is not quite as frequent now that we are growing up and scattering across the countryside. That is ok though because that love you always carry in your heart. Family is a wonderful thing and I hope that no matter the distance we will always remain close.