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My Psychic Page

This page is going to be dedicated to more stuff on psychic stuff. I would like to touch on meditation and manifestation.
Meditation is a very important part of being able to quiet your mind to enable the spirit guides and angels to be able to speak to you. It puts you in touch with your innerself and quite frequently you are able to resolve your own questions and fears.
The first way is to sit in a quiet spot where you will not be disturbed. Some people like to listen to some sort of peaceful music ie: waves, chimes, classical, native drumming You have to choose what you feel the most comfortable with. You can use candles or incense to set the mood or feeling. The further you study into colors and aromatherapy the more the candles and incense could play a part in healing through meditation.
You begin to quiet your mind by paying attention to your breathing...surround yourself in a protective white light. Ground yourself by envisioning your feet planted deep within the ground. This helps you to be able to return to the conscious world better. Keep focusing on your breathing, and then go to your perfect place..may it be a warm beach, or a garden or a field. Somewhere quiet. Sense all the surroundings around you. This is too where you manifest something you would like such as good health or winning the lottery. but the main thing is if you don't truly believe it won't happen. When you are ready come back to the conscious world by becoming more and more aware of your physical body...Have fun!!!!

FLoating among the Stars

I have my own beliefs and if you would like to share them please do. IF at anytime my beliefs do not coincide with yours or you just doesn't feel right to you it may not be for you. I believe foremost that we are all lightworkers when we are brought onto the physical plane. We are all on different paths. There are the healers, the guides, the psychics. All are important and not one more than another. I do believe in reincarnation. We come onto the earth and repeat lives until we have made our soul happy. This is why we go through some of the hardships in life that we do. They are like life's lessons. I believe in Karma or the age old adage "What goes around, comes around".
I think with this picture I wish that were me and I could have an Out of body experience that I would remember and be floating in space.
Spirit guides

I love this picture. Guides are usually strong and often come to us in dreams or meditation. I have actually been able to meet some of my guides. I believe we have many spirit guides. I find for myself that the native spirit guides are very strong for me. I have found since my accident that they have been really making me take notice of my true heritage. I have not only come from a heritage of it in this life, but actually believe to have been an indian maiden in a past life.
Faeries, Mystical Creatures and Animals

Faeries is something new that I have just become interested in. It gives me a sense of childlike wonder when I can envision faeries dancing amongst us. I am going to be studying them and the other mystical creatures. I believe that they do exist and are brought to us with gentleness.
Animals is something that I believe strongly in. I have a wonderful book called ANIMAL SPEAK by Ted Andrews. It is about how the animals speak to us. I have only begun to understand this in the past couple of years. As it is I am finding out what my animal totems are. It is funny because when you begin to listen with your heart and accept you do hear.
I do feel that I have been truly opened up and am learning with laughter and love everyday. My wish is for everyone to experience the kind of love and joy that I am feeling.