the light that once shone brightly
in the cor of my being
has begun to flicker.
I fear it will go out
and I will be completely
and utterly alone in the dark.
I will have no one to save me
from the horrid beasts
that loom in the shadows
waiting for my light
to burn out entirely.
the darkness begins
to surround me in new ways
that I never thought possible.
horrible creatures come
out of their hiding places
and come after me.
I try to escape
but am frozen with fear.
if only there were someone
who felt for me
what I need inside
to keep my light burning
and make it shine
as brilliantly as it once did.
as I halt in that tunnel
I look as far as I can see.
I search for that light
and for the person
who will come walking toward me
and save me from
the sheer darknes that consumes
my fading existance.
I drop to my knees,
tears streaking down my face.
I slowly sit on my bottom
and bring my knees to my chest
as I wonder how long I must wait.
eventually I find myself
on the floor, curled up in a ball,
my body shakes with the fear
that I will never be saved
from the darkness that engulfs my body.
my soul starts to pull away from me,
trying desperatly to escape the darkness
which is filling me.
the only thing that binds it to my frigid body
is the hope inside of me.
the hope that perhaps I will be discovered.
the hope that maybe I will be pulled from
the darkness eating away at my body and soul.
the hope that the love needed to save me
will find me and rescue my tormented being
and tortured soul.
please make the beasties go away.
please make those creatures
go back to their shadows.
please rescue me from the darkness
that has let them escape
and torture my fragile soul.
a calm brushes over me
as I close my eyes
and feel myself drop off.
I see a wonderful light.
I see no more darkness.
I see a hand outstretched
waiting for me to take it
so I may be led away to a place
that is never dark.
I am calmy led toward
a beautiful spectrum of light.
I am guided to a brilliance
I have never seen before,
to a place where darkness does not exist
and cannot consume
what little is left of my soul.