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Gameshark Section

Statue in multiplayer-8002A8F7 0016

Destroy the gate in Statue multi by hitting GS button-880C5F84 0001

Cradle in multiplayer-8002A8F7 0029

Destroy the door in Cradle multi by hitting GS button-880CD784 0001

Play full Facility in multi-800C8784 0001

Play full Archives in multi-800CD784 0001

Play full Caverns in multi-800C5F84 0001

NOTE: to play the full levels of the above 3, have 1st player go up to the locked door and hit the GS button

GIANT mode-80357416 FFFF (Created by SHiner)

Bottom of Dam-8032332A 0001 (Created by Pelord)

NOTE: To get to the bottom of Dam, turn on Invincible, All Guns, Invisible, and Infinite Ammo. Go to Dam on 007 mode and leave the settings alone. If all goes well, you should start at the place you jump off. Then, go forward and you will land on a platform.

Random enemy appearances-80357778 0001 (Created by SHiner)

NOTE: This randomly changes the faces of enemies in the game. Some people have found female Moonraker Elites, Oddjob. Mayday, and even Ourumov in Caverns. Code discovered on Aenema's messsage board, and created by SHiner


Multiplayer All Guns

Temple, Complex, Library, Basement, Stack

P1-800A864C 0007

P2-800AAFCC 0007
P3-800ADA4C 0007
P4-800B4CCC 0007


P1-800CDD4C 0007

P2-800D07CC 0007
P3-800D324C 0007
P4-800D6CCC 0007


P1-800B9D4C 0007

P2-800BC7CC 0007
P3-800BF24C 0007
P4-800C1CCC 0007


P1-800C664C 0007

P2-800C8FCC 0007
P3-800CBA4C 0007
P4-800CE4CC 0007

Egyptian Temple

P1-800F364C 0007

P2-800F6FCC 0007
P3-800F8A4C 0007
P4-800FB4CC 0007


P1-800C8D4C 0007

P2-800CB7CC 0007
P3-800CE24C 0007
P4-800D0CCC 0007


Play Archives W/4 Players-8002B537 0009

Play Bunker W/4 Players-8002B537 0008

Play Caverns W/4 Players-8002B537 000A

Play Egyptian Temple W/4 Players-8002B537 000B


Unarmed Enemies-80357005 0005 (Created by Pelord)

NOTE: This code makes enemies unarmed. However, once in a while you will come across a guard that is armed. Often freezes and you must restart it to play a different level.


Judge Judy (Created by

NOTE: When you enter a code, it will replace a certain person.

Name-Judge Judy A002B2210003 A002B20B0047 Choose Jaws

________________________________________________________________________________ -GS Goldeneye Multiplayer Head/Costume Modification- This is a cool page that you should visit! It has a code to make Noob Saibot, David Letterman and etc.

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