List of Jokes
  Blonde Jokes | Lawyer Jokes | 50 Things To Do In a Public Restroom | 258 Things To Do When You're Bored | 100 Ways To Phone In A Pizza Order | You Might Be A Redneck If... | 244 Ways To Annoy Your Roommate | 50 Fun Things To Do In An Elevator | 50 Ways To Scare People In The Computer Room | A Story About Farting | 100 Ways To Go Insane | Answers to the Five Toughest Questions Woman Ask Men | Fifty Fun Things To Do On the First Day of Class | How To Get Rid Of Bad Dates | Accidents Will Happen | What We Mean When We Say No | Taglines | Useless Inventions | The Shortest Books Ever Written | More Blonde Jokes | Church Bulletin Bloopers | I'm Glad They Said It | Stupid Crooks | No Arms,No Legs | Proverbs To Live By | Doctor Suess's Technical Manual | Final Exam | Darcksucker Theory | Fulldeck | Carter vs. Clinton | Stuff You'll Never See On Star Trek | The Difference Between Picard And Kirk | The Rules of Work | Why It's Great To Be a Guy | Idiots Everywhere | What We've Learned From Movies | Things About Women | Oxymorons | You KNow You're Too Drunk When.... | Good Old 1 Liners | Airbag Contest | Alcohol Warnings!! | How Men and Women Use ATM's Differemtly | You Know You're an Internet Addict When... | You Know You're Addicted to Coffe When... | Men Are Like.... | At The Pearly Gates |

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