Once you've filled out that form, copy the following HTML code and paste that somewhere on your page. The code will put the WebRing graphic and title box on your page, so that people can get to other ring sites from your home page :) We won't include your page in the ring UNTIL this code is pasted somewhere on it! And last but not least...you MUST email to zhezhar, when you have the html fragment added to your page, and when your page is in the queue, to be added.
Your site will remain in Queue for 30 days, if the HTML is not added by then, it will be removed
![]() ![]() Your_Name_Here. Want to join to the Black Souls Domain? |
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Here's what the code will look like:
![]() ![]() Your_Name_Here. Want to join the Black Souls Domain ? |
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Do realize that where it says SIDE_ID_HERE you have to replace it with the Site ID that you were given when you filled out the application... also you need to put in your EMail address and your name where it says YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS and Your_Name_Here. That's all there is to it!