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  cat (kt) - n.
A small carnivorous mammal (Felis catus or F. domesticus) domesticated since early times as a catcher of rats and mice and as a pet and existing in several distinctive breeds and varieties.
Any of various other carnivorous mammals of the family Felidae, which includes the lion, tiger, leopard, and lynx.
Middle English from Old English catt, from Germanic kattuz.

A true and noble leader rules with compassion and will protect their charges. We intend to bring a higher awareness of Animal Rights and show how important each and every one of them are.


by Francis Witham

Oh, what unhappy twist of fate
Has brought you homeless to my gate?
The gate where once another stood
To beg for shelter, warmth and food
For from that day I ceased to be
The master of my destiny.
While he, with purr and velvet paw
Became within my house the law.
He scratched the furniture and shed
And claimed the middle of my bed.
He ruled in arrogance and pride
And broke my heart the day he died.
So if you really think, oh Cat,
I'd willingly relive all that
Because you come forlorn and thin
Well....don't just stand there....
Come on in!

  Useful Links

Guide to rescue cats

Cat Fanciers Website

Save Endangered Big Cats (free) Cat Lovers

Pet Shelter Network (cats & dogs)

Information Pages



  Just for fun

A person, especially a man.

A player or devotee of jazz music.

Catting - v.
(Nautical) To hoist an anchor to (the cathead).

Let the cat out of the bag -

To let a secret be known.


- submitted by Sir Reginald Fluffy-Mittens

Cats are beautiful, sophisticated, intelligent creatures. And with a little love and caring, they can keep a human being alive for upwards of seventy to eighty years. If you follow these simple instructions, you can have your human housetrained in no time.

CLEANLINESS: For some reasons, humans seem to enjoy immersing themselves in running water. Attempts to get humans to lick themselves clean have proven interesting, if unproductive.

COMMUNICATION: Humans are unable to speak a proper language. Therefore, you should communicate a point loudly, repeatedly, and if at all possible, at about three in the morning. Any attempts at human-to-cat communication can be dealt with by simply ignoring it until it stops.

FEEDING: Morning feeding should start promptly when your human is fast asleep, preferably three or four minutes before the alarm is supposed to go off. Recommended methods of waking your human include: sitting on its face, screaming in its ear, and biting its hair.

MATING: Human mating behavior is fascinating. Unfortunately, humans tend to get easily spooked by prolonged study of courtship rituals, and resort to shoe-throwing behavior.

TOILET TRAINING: A human's natural tendency is to not change your litter box. Although experts in human behavior believe it can be attributed to the "laziness reflex," this can be easily corrected through what is called "shoe therapy." Just remember that a human shoe looks a lot like a human toilet, and you should be fine.

Following these simple tips is the first step towards a long and productive cat/human relationship.


  Cat Rescue and Rehab


Feline Rescue

Siamese Rescue

The Cat Network

Potomac Stray Cat Rescue

Connecticut Cat Rescue Web

Persian Cat Rescue of Northern California

Cat Rescue of Maryland

Toronto Cat Rescue

Angel Wings Cat Rescue

Alley Cat Rescue

Feral Cat Rescue

Feral Cats

Stop Fur Trapping


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Website maintained by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald
Reproduction in any form is prohibited!
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