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wolf (wlf) n., pl. wolves (wlvz.) -
Either of two carnivorous mammals of the family Canidae, especially the gray wolf of northern regions, that typically live and hunt in hierarchical packs and prey on livestock and game animals.
Any of various similar or related mammals, such as the hyena.
Middle English from Old English wulf; see wkwo- in Indo-European Roots.

A true and noble leader rules with compassion and will protect their charges. We intend to bring a higher awareness of Animal Rights and show how important each and every one of them are.


  Useful Links

Wolf Whispers

Wolf Park

W.O.L.F. Rescue and Education Home Page

Wolf Medicine

Wolf Country

The Behavior and Ecology of Wolves

Wolf Haven

Wolf Recovery Foundation

Yellowstone Wolf Report Page

Please help keep the wolves safe and free!


  Just for fun

One that is regarded as predatory, rapacious, and fierce.

In music, a harshness in some tones of a bowed stringed instrument produced by defective vibration.

Wolfed or wolfing -
To eat greedily or voraciously: "The town's big shots were wolfing down the buffet" (Ralph Ellison).

Keep the wolf from the door -
To avoid the privation and suffering resulting from a lack of money.

Wolf at the door -
Creditors or a creditor.

Wolf in sheep's clothing -
One who feigns congeniality while actually holding malevolent intentions.

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  Website maintained by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald
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