Dream Flight
In my dreams I hear,
The sound of wings drawing near.
It sounds like a gale form the North,
What new things does it bring forth?
I look up, and then I see,
Two eyes looking back at me.
The dragons soft, kind eyes,
Where the colors of the bright blue sky.
Just from his size you could see his might,
As he flew up into the crystal clear night.
Into the sky he took me away,
We flew until the break of day.
We landed in a mountain pass,
There was no snow, but a meadow of grass.
Into the dragons eyes I gazed,
And I felt lost in a bright blue haze.
As if through time I fell,
And I awoke at home, lying by the well.
I look into the water and I see,
Those bright blue eyes looking back at me.
And still in my dreams I hear,
The sound of wings drawing near.
It is the gale from the North,
What new things will it bring forth?