A soft melody plays in my mind,
It moves my heart to tears.
Somewhere from the darkened night
An Angels’ voice ends my fears.
In the music I feel every pain, every joy of life.
Yet, it is filled with such great sadness -
So much regret, loneliness, sorrow,
From a heart that has never known happiness.
The music comes alive in my heart, my soul.
The tempo - a patient, steady heart beating
Bringing the very air to life,
A short life, that is fleeting . . . .
It calls me to him, the fallen Angel -
Angel or Devil - What is the difference?
How can such music be dark, be evil?
I have lost my soul - Condemn me then with indifference.
Dark Angel, Angel of Night, Angel of Music -
Why do you hide, hide behind the night?
Why wear a mask - what do you have to hide?
Angel, please - please come into the light.
We all hide behinds masks my Angel,
Masks that hide our inner pain,
Our inner suffering and emptiness -
We show the world peace as we go insane.
Angel, shed your mask,
From me you have nothing to fear -
I care four your inner self, your soul . . . . .
I didn’t know Angels shed tears . . . .
My lost Angel, you know me better then I,
How can I lie to you?
We hold a powerful understanding
That is only shared by a few.
Fallen Angel - I came to you, now trust me.
I will not, nor can not betray.
While others have fled, I will not,
Though Hell my rise, I stay.
In this darkness I see the light of your soul,
The same fire kindled in both of us -
In the darkened night, music has given us hope -
We only have each other to trust.
My lonely Angel, trust in me, have faith in me
I will not leave you alone in this sorrow,
You have lifted my soul, now let me lift yours;
While all seems dark today, there is always tomorrow.
We have both fallen Angel, you at not alone.
All around us, people fall every day,
But unlike them, we have each other.
In this pain, we don’t have to stay.
Angel, leave you mask behind, give me your hand -
I will lead you away from this pain, follow me.
You have saved my soul from the deepest darkness known -
Now let me set your soul free.