Poetry - The Ice Queen

The Ice Queen

To look at her is to love her.
To see true perfection in this life
- The living personification of a spring day;
So pure, so lovely, so full of life.

Yet, to know her is to pity her.
To meet one who knows true pain -
One who has never known happiness;
And inside, she is as barren as a winter wasteland.

At first glance, crystal blue eyes reflect the sky,
Pools so deep one would drowned in them.
They show a look of pure peace, serenity -
Such stillness hardly known in this plane.

Then you look closer - they change.
Passionless spheres of glass look back at you;
Reflecting nothing, entirely empty
And nothing lies behind that glass.

Strawberry lips smile kindly, warmly -
Welcoming all in her presence.
Surrounded by a vale of pure light -
The sun never warmed a person so.

Yet upon her lips lies a sad smile.
The vale falls away, revealing a coldness.
The pain and sorrow overwhelming,
Breaking one's heart into unrecognizable pieces.

Her voice compares to nothing less then a bird's song.
Her honey coated song rings with emotion -
Such true beauty, so simple, so pure
It moves a heart of stone to tears.

But listen closer and hear the sadness.
The song is harsh, hollow, empty -
Void of any feelings beyond remorse;
An audible sound given to pure pain.

Her soul, made of pure joy and light,
Draws countless admirers to her.
Radiating across the world, touching all humanity
Somehow connecting everyone to each other.

Yet, the soul is empty, lies as in death.
She is surrounded by admirers, standing alone.
Remote from all who love her beauty,
Part of absolutely nothing at all.

To look at her is to love her beauty.
To see living perfection, pure life -
Nature, personified in one being;
This beautiful Goddess of Life.

To know her is to pity her loneliness.
A living voice, a cry of pain seen by the world.
A lonely creature full of nothing -
The dark emptiness of the Ice Queen.