Wicca - Magick

What is Magick?

Yes, Magick is part of Wicca, but many are confused as to what “magick” is exactly. To begin with, the spelling is vary different that what people are used to. Spelled “magic,” the words refers to the illusionist stage magic that every knows and loves well; spelled “magick” however, refers to the natural magick of the universe, that truly anyone can call on. The “k” was added to help distinguish the difference.

In Wicca, Magick is a religious practice, much like prayers and Holy Communion in Christian and Catholic Churches. I compare it to Holy Communion, because through prayer, the bread and wine is turned into the Body and Blood of Christ; Magick can be viewed in the same context. Magick, like Christian prayer, is more or less a tool for contact with the Divine, to call upon the powers of the Divine to guide one in life; to help a person become closer with the God/Goddess that they follow.

I have already address the notion of black and white magick in a previous section, but I am adding it again here just to make sure that Magick is fully understood. As in everything, there is good and evil, the principle of Yin and Yang states that you can not have good without evil, everything is in balance between them. Without one, the other could not exists, and the world would end in total chaos. So it is the same with magick, but it all depends on the individual. If anyone is doing a spell for a selfish reason, such as revenge, spite, and even love, it is a spell that can harm and that in itself is dark. What makes the magick “white” or “black” is the individual’s intentions. The dark side to magick is human nature, letting hate and anger rule one’s judgment and not listen to the words of the God or Goddess. So there is no black magick in Wicca except what the individual creates in themselves through anger, hate, and ignorance.

Scott Cunningham is his book “Wicca: The Guide for the Solitary Practitioner,” defines Magick as the “projection of natural energies to produce the needed effects.” He goes on the discuss the three main sources of this energy - personal power, Earth power, and divine power. To summarize, personal power is the power within one’s self that is absorbed from the world around us; Earth power is the natural power the resides in everything from rocks to water to the trees and air; and Divine power is the manifestation of both personal and Earth power combined that exists always in the Goddess and the God - it is the life force and the source of universal power which created everything.

How does one practice Magick? You simply do. I really suggest that you look into books on the subject, for ideas and a place to start. Good luck and blessed be.

Source: "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" - Scott Cunningham