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Nick Quotes!

Nick on Howie
"Howie can be serious at times, but at times he can be as crazy as me and Brian"

Nick on the BSB's long-time choreographer
"She's the greatest dancer alive I think. She means so much to the group because she has worked with us from the beginning-- when we first started, and she's done all of our shows, everything we've done. And what is so kewl about it is that she is able to-- Well, if you work with a certain choreographer some people can tell, you know, all the moves look the same. It's not that way with us. She's got this flavor where she can make everything look different in her own way."

Nick on Nigel Dick, Director of the "As Long As You Love Me" video
"We had gotten some treatments from a bunch of different directors. It turned out, he had the most interesting treatments out of all of them, and that's why we pretty much got Nigel, and our record company knew him too. He turned out to be an excellent director."

Nick on the "Everybody" video
"Kevin had brought up the idea about doing the video in a castle, and I said, 'well, why don't we have monsters involved in it. Each of us pick a monster.' At the time they were kinda shaky about what it was and how it was going to turn out, and this is it came to be."

"I had decided to be a creature from the black lagoon. But if you sit back and think about it, how are you going to do the make-up to look like me and a creature from the black lagoon? So that's when I picked the mummy, and the mummy turned out pretty good. I'm very happy with it."

Nick on Nick
"Hi, I'm Nick. I'm the youngest member of the group. I'm fifteen. I was born, Jan. 28, 1980. That makes me an Aquarius. I am originally from Jamestown, NY, which is upstate-- it's not like the big part, the big city. Then I moved to Tampa, FL where I currently resign... uh, reside, yeah, that's it. Oh, man! I always mess up, I'm sorry."

Nick on whether getting a tatoo would improve his sex life
"Do I think it would improve my sex life? I didn't know I had a sex life right now!"

Nick on his WILDEST fantasy
"Fantasy. I'm really big into like the beach and everything, so I'd just say, like having a night out. It would have to be a full moon and the beach, and you know, just have it be all romantic and everything. That's a fantasy."

Nick on touring Europe
"As much as we miss home, I really enjoy it over hear. I think it is really cool."

Nick on BSB music
"Our music kinda consists of a pop/R&B feel, which is pretty much what we like to listen to. Groups like Boys II Men and all of those R&B groups, we love them, and we want to try and portray that in our music. A lot of times we have alot of messages in our songs. Take "We've Got it Going On," which is our first single. We've been waiting so long for it to come out, and it finally happened. If you listen to the song, it says it."

Nick on his musical influences
"One of my big influences is Steve Perry from a group called Journey-- a really famous rock group, almost. He's been one of my influences since nine years old."

Nick on the future of the Backstreet Boys
"I hope it will be very successful. We want to achieve our goals, which is to be known around the world, and known around the country, that's one of the big things."
