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Once upon a time, there was a nothing.
And in time, the nothing became a something.
Once upon a time, there was a dream.
And in time, the dream became real.

Shape and Form were added to the nothing.
It was given a place, and a name.
To the dream Depth and Perception were given.
And it too had its role and name.

And the dream and the nothing met,
and from it a new entity emerged.
That which was without became whole.
Thus it has been for all time.
I was the nothing,
and friendship my dream.

So it was that I became something.
My dreams were opened to me,
and I followed them.

And here I am now.
It was because of you, all of you, that I am here.
You have made me into something,
something I like.
You have opened a new world for me,
so that I can be like my dreams.
And you have given me what I have always wanted:
More things, beautiful things, who care for me,
who watch me, protect me, teach me, and help me.
You are the beautiful things,
my watchers, and those to whom I owe my soul.
Thank You.